Draft Beach Management Plan for Bettystown/Laytown

Closed26 May, 2017, 09:00 - 7 Jul, 2017, 17:00

Public Display Period for the Draft Beach Management Plan for Laytown Bettystown- Submissions Invited


Public Display Period: 26th May – July 7th  2017


Submissions and observations are now invited from all interested parties.  All submissions/observations should be made in writing to:

Senior Executive Officer,

Environment Section,

Meath County Council,

County Hall,

Railway St,


Co Meath


or by email to environment@meathcoco.ie


Submissions must be clearly marked ‘Submission – Beach Management Plan Bettystown/Laytown’

All submissions must be made on or before the closing date for submissions of 7th July 2017.

Submissions must contain name, address and contact details of person/s making the submission – both telephone and email address if possible.

If you have any queries, please contact Environment Section, Meath County Council at environment@meathcoco.ie or 046 9097222


2 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.

