Draft Variation No. 3 to the Meath County Development Plan 2021–2027

Closed18 Oct, 2024, 09:00 - 18 Nov, 2024, 16:00

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Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Meath County Council has prepared proposed Draft Variation No. 3 to the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027.

Please note that no zoning submissions can be considered as part of Variation 3 as the proposed amendments are text changes only. It is important to note that any submissions that include proposals for new zonings cannot be considered and will be returned. Submissions can only be considered if they relate to a proposed amendment.
Hide Hide Hide Variation No. 3 consists of the following proposed amendments: (click here to view)

Proposed Amendment No. 01: Sustainable Residential Development and Compact Settlement Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2024.

Reason: to update the County Development Plan to take account of the Sustainable Residential Development and Compact Settlements Guidelines for Planning Authorities published by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in January 2024 and issued under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.


Proposed Amendment No. 02: Age Friendly Housing.

Reason: to take into account the actions outlined in the policy statement entitled, ‘Housing Options for Our Ageing Population” prepared by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and the Department of Health (2019), Section 6.4 entitled “Age Friendly Communities” of the National Planning Framework (Project Ireland 2040) and Housing Policy Objective 6: Increase and improve housing options for Older People within policy “Housing for All, A new Housing Plan for Ireland” prepared by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (2021).


Proposed Amendment No. 03: To introduce a percentage range for the quantum of residential uses permitted on Town Centre and Mixed Use zoned land.

Reason: To provide for and encourage increased residential occupancy in our town and village centres by providing greater flexibility and a focus on design led and performance based outcomes rather than specifying absolute requirements. 


Public Display

The proposed draft Variation No. 3 together with the respective Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Screening Reports will be available for inspection from Friday 18th October until 4pm on Monday 18th November, 2024 at the offices of Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291 Monday to Friday, during normal opening hours and the following Municipal District Offices during normal opening hours:-

  •   Ashbourne Municipal District,1-2 Killegland Square Upper, Ashbourne, A84 NY73
  •   Kells Municipal District, Town Hall, Headfort Place, Kells, A82 W2R3
  •   Laytown/Bettystown Municipal District, Main Street, Duleek, A92 R9KW
  •   Ratoath Municipal District, Drumree Road, Dunshaughlin, A85 XK20
  •   Trim Municipal District, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim C15 P2HE   

The proposed draft Variation No.3 of the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027 will also be available for inspection here.

How to Make a Submission

Written observations or submissions regarding the Variation No. 3 proposed amendments only must be received by 4pm on 18th November 2024.

Submissions should be in ONE medium only i.e. online or hard copy and made as follows:-


  • In writing marked “Draft Variation No. 3” to the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027 to: Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291

Please note late, emailed or faxed submissions cannot be considered and will be returned.

Submissions or observations must include:

  • Variation number and proposed Amendment number as shown in the document
  • Full Name and Address of person(s) making submission or observation
  • Details of organisation, community group, company which you represent, where relevant.

All submissions or observations will be taken into consideration before the making of the Proposed Draft Variation No. 3. However, please note submissions can only be considered if they relate to a proposed amendment. Any submissions that do not relate to a proposed amendment or include proposals for new zonings cannot be considered and will be returned.

Please note that all submissions/observations will be made available for public viewing on the Council’s consultation portal and website, when redacting under GDPR is complete and will also form part of the statutory Chief Executive’s Report to be presented to the full Council. You are responsible for ensuring that no vexatious, libelous or confidential information, including confidential information in relation to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. The Planning Authority reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof. 

Meath County Council will treat all personal data you may give as confidential. Data protection information can be found at https://www.meath.ie/council/your-council/your-data-and-access-to-information/data-protection





Proposed Amendment No. 01: Sustainable Residential Development & Compact Settlement Guidelines
Proposed Amendment No. 02: Age Friendly Housing
Proposed Amendment No. 03: Percentage range(quantum residential uses permitted on Town Centre/Mixed Use zoned land)