Proposal to remove part of land parcel

Closed1 Feb, 2024, 09:00 - 31 May, 2024, 23:59

Proposal to remove part of land parcel

Please confirm whether you wish to remove part of the land parcel from Annual Draft RZLT Map and outline the reasons why. Please refer to Sections 3 and 4 of the Residential Zoned Land Tax - Guidelines for Planning Authorities June 2022 in respect of the reasons why.

Please find attached submission
Part of this parcel of land, holds our site that does not have water or sewage services.
The Annual Draft Map prepared by Meath County Council incorrectly includes areas designated as open space and roads in Effernock, Trim, Co. Meath (within Land Parcel ID MHLA00370358, MHLA00370363 and...
The construction of the remaining dwellings in the Silver Banks Development (forming part of Land Parcel ID MHLA00350129) is dependent upon the delivery of upgrades to the Wastewater Drainage...
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