Mornington Dunes Visitor Access and Conservation Management Plan

Closed24 Nov, 2023, 09:00 - 8 Dec, 2023, 17:00

Public Consultation / Information Day

Mornington Dunes Visitor Access and Conservation Management Plan

 Meath County Council in association with National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)  as well as other local interested parties have initiated a draft Visitor Access and Conservation Management Plan for Mornington Dunes which are part of the Boyne Coast & Estuary SAC as well as the Boyne Estuary SPA

The draft plan  which is considered necessary to address ongoing damage to the Dunes from  recreational access, outlines a series of targeted actions aimed at restoring and preserving this unique natural habitat.

In advance of proceeding to applying for planning permission for these actions, a public consultation process is being initiated and enabling members of the public and interested parties  participate in the process, and to have their say on the proposed actions which it is hoped will safeguard the natural beauty , ecological diversity and cultural importance of the dunes for generations to come.

The consultation period for the draft plan will run from Friday 24th November until Friday 8th December 2023 and during which period written submissions can be made to or through    

The draft plan can be viewed at

In addition to this display period an information day is to be held in Scoil Realt na Mara , Mornington ,Donecarney Co. Meath (A92 T382)  on Saturday 2nd December from 10 am until 4 pm and when representatives from the above organisations will be present to address any queries and facilitate the making of submissions on the day.

Meath County Council and NPWS look forward to your participation in the above processes.


6 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


General Submission