Notice of proposed project pursuant to Regulation 42(13) of the European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011)
Re-furbishment of Boyne Greenway Boardwalk, Over-flow Spillway Pipes and Re-pointing of Bridge over Boyne Canal NIS Public Consultation
The proposed works are located on and adjacent to the L16014 in Oldbridge, County Meath.
Nature and Extent of Proposed Project
Meath County Council seek to carry out rehabilitation works to a 1.3km section of greenway from the Drogheda Ramparts through to the entrance of Oldbridge Estate, Oldbridge, Co Meath the repointing of a bridge crossing ( known as the Engineers Bridge) of the Boyne Canal at Oldbridge, Co Meath and overflow spillway pipes form the canal at Oldbridge, Co Meath. The refurbishment of the boardwalk is required to ensure a hazard-free cycleway for users. The refurbishment includes works to correct minor defects of the deck panels, parapet posts and handrails, along the length of the boardwalk, and more significant refurbishment works including replacement piles to rebuild a 100m long section that was damaged by fire in 2018. Further details on the nature and extent of the proposed project are described in the report named Boyne Boardwalk Refurbishment – Natura Impact Statement January 2024 (‘the NIS’). This report also contains maps of the proposals.
Possible Decision
Meath County Council will determine pursuant to Regulation 42(11) of the European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011) and Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive as to whether or not the proposed works would adversely affect the integrity of a European site.
Submissions and Viewing
The NIS will be available to view online at, and at the following location from 03 September 2024 to 02 October 2024 during public opening hours:
The NIS may also be purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of such making available. Requests to purchase hard copies may be made to the above email and postal addresses. A person may make submissions or observations to the public authority within 30 days from the date of the notice. The public may make submissions or observations in writing to either of the above addresses, or online at concerning the proposed project (within 30 days from the date of this notice) to Meath County Council.
Any other details on public participation
Meath County Council shall have regard to any submissions or observations received from the public.
Personal data contained in submissions or observations will be processed in accordance with Meath County Council’s Data Protection Privacy Statement which is available on Submissions or observations may be passed to our third??party service providers, including Roughan and O’Donovan for their analysis, consideration and response. Such analysis, consideration and response may be documented.
Respondents making submissions should note that Meath County Council is subject to the provisions to the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and the Data Protection Act 2018
Public Consultation: Re-furbishment of Boyne Greenway Boardwalk, Over-flow Spillway Pipes and Re-pointing of Bridge over Boyne Canal NIS
Notice of proposed project pursuant to Regulation 42(13) of the European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011)
Re-furbishment of Boyne Greenway Boardwalk, Over-flow Spillway Pipes and Re-pointing of Bridge over Boyne Canal NIS Public Consultation
The proposed works are located on and adjacent to the L16014 in Oldbridge, County Meath.
Nature and Extent of Proposed Project
Meath County Council seek to carry out rehabilitation works to a 1.3km section of greenway from the Drogheda Ramparts through to the entrance of Oldbridge Estate, Oldbridge, Co Meath the repointing of a bridge crossing ( known as the Engineers Bridge) of the Boyne Canal at Oldbridge, Co Meath and overflow spillway pipes form the canal at Oldbridge, Co Meath. The refurbishment of the boardwalk is required to ensure a hazard-free cycleway for users. The refurbishment includes works to correct minor defects of the deck panels, parapet posts and handrails, along the length of the boardwalk, and more significant refurbishment works including replacement piles to rebuild a 100m long section that was damaged by fire in 2018. Further details on the nature and extent of the proposed project are described in the report named Boyne Boardwalk Refurbishment – Natura Impact Statement January 2024 (‘the NIS’). This report also contains maps of the proposals.
Possible Decision
Meath County Council will determine pursuant to Regulation 42(11) of the European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011) and Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive as to whether or not the proposed works would adversely affect the integrity of a European site.
Submissions and Viewing
The NIS will be available to view online at, and at the following location from 03 September 2024 to 02 October 2024 during public opening hours:
The NIS may also be purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of such making available. Requests to purchase hard copies may be made to the above email and postal addresses. A person may make submissions or observations to the public authority within 30 days from the date of the notice. The public may make submissions or observations in writing to either of the above addresses, or online at concerning the proposed project (within 30 days from the date of this notice) to Meath County Council.
Any other details on public participation
Meath County Council shall have regard to any submissions or observations received from the public.
Personal data contained in submissions or observations will be processed in accordance with Meath County Council’s Data Protection Privacy Statement which is available on Submissions or observations may be passed to our third??party service providers, including Roughan and O’Donovan for their analysis, consideration and response. Such analysis, consideration and response may be documented.
Respondents making submissions should note that Meath County Council is subject to the provisions to the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and the Data Protection Act 2018
Date: 03rd September 2024