Chapter 6 : Infrastructure Strategy

Closed31 May, 2021, 9:00am - 29 Jun, 2021, 4:00pm
Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.1
 Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) 


Section 6

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend INF OBJ 5, INF OBJ 24, INF POL 29 as follows;

To liaise and work in conjunction with Irish Water to realise the Navan and Mid-Meath/ East Meath Water Supply Scheme. Development of the project will be subject to the outcome of the Appropriate Assessment process. Each of these projects will subject to the outcome of the alone or in combination with any other projects. If despite the implementation of mitigation measures, there remains a risk that the proposals will adversely affect the integrity of any European Site(s), the project will not be progressed unless and alternative solution can be implemented which avoids/reduces the impact to a level that the integrity of the European Site(s) is (are) unaffected.

To identify existing surface water drainage systems vulnerable to flooding and develop proposals to alleviate flooding in the areas served by these systems in conjunction with the Office of Public Works. The delivery of such proposals will be subject to the outcome of the Appropriate Assessment process. If adverse effects on European Site integrity are identified, alternative locations and/designs will be developed to ensure that flood defence structures will not adversely affect the integrity of European Sites, either alone or in combination with any other plans or projects. If, despite the implementation of mitigation measures, there remains a risk that the proposals will adversely affect the integrity of the European Sites, the project will not be progressed unless an alternative solution can be implemented which avoids/reduces the impact to a level that the integrity of the European Site(s) is(are)_unaffected. It is reasonable to assume that at the detailed design stage any potential for a project to impact on European Sites could, and will, be resolved through the exploration of alternatives locations or designs while still fulfilling their function/role.


To facilitate the provision of new, or the reinforcement of existing flood defences and protection measures where necessary and in particular to support the implementation of flood schemes being progressed through the planning process during the lifetime of the Plan. The provision of flood defences will be subject to the outcome of the Appropriate Assessment process. If adverse effects on European Site integrity are identified, alternative locations and/designs will be developed to ensure that flood defence structures will not adversely affect the integrity of European Sites, either alone or in combination with any other plans or projects. If, despite the implementation of mitigation measures, there remains a risk that the proposals will adversely affect the integrity of the European Sites, the project will not be progressed unless an alternative solution can be implemented which avoids/reduces the impact to a level that the integrity of  the European Site(s) is(are)_unaffected. It is reasonable to assume that at the detailed design stage any potential for a project to impact on European Sites could, and will, be resolved through the exploration of alternatives locations or designs while still fulfilling their function/role.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.2
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Maria Matthews
Irish Water 


Section 6.4

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend Section 6.4 Water Services by including the following text:

6.4 Water Services

The Current Irish Water Investment Plan (CIP 2020-2024) The current Irish Water Capital Investment Programme (CIP) 2017-2021 outlines the indicative priorities and investments in water services infrastructure over the five year period. This CIP aims to deliver improvements in drinking water quality, leakage detection and remediation, wastewater compliance, business efficiencies and customer service. 

As part of the CIP, Irish Water have developed a Small Towns and Villages Programme (STVGP) to cater for growth in smaller settlements which would not otherwise be provided for in the current Investment Plan. The Plan is limited to growth in smaller settlements already served by Irish Water Infrastructure. Under the STVGP, funding will be allocated to Meath County Council for new Wastewater or Water Treatment Plants or upgrades to eligible settlements with a population of less than 2,000 persons.

At this stage of the process, settlements considered most appropriate for such development or upgrades must be nominated by Meath County Council and further engagement with Irish Water must take place before agreement on the final list of settlements can be reached. The figure below depicts the process which must be undertaken by Meath County Council and Irish Water before a list of settlements can be finalised. It is anticipated that Local Authorities will be of notified of successful projects throughout 2021.

Timeline graphic

The outcome of this Growth Programme and consequent allocation of additional wastewater and water capacity will inform the population profile and growth targets identified in the Core Strategy. 
Notwithstanding this, the finalisation of these settlements will be determined after the adoption of the County Development Plan and therefore cannot presently inform the Core Strategy. Given the evidence-based approach of the Core Strategy, should the outcome of the STVGP alter growth potential for small settlements, Meath County Council will ensure the Core Strategy incorporates outputs of the STVGP by way of variation to the County Development Plan.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.3
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Irish Water 


Section 6.4

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend INF OBJ 4 in Section 6.4 Water Services as follows:

INF OBJ 4 : ‘To liaise and work in conjunction with Irish Water in the delivery of the Capital Investment Plan 2017-2021 2020-2024 and any subsequent Capital Investment Plans.’

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.4
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Irish Water 


Section 6.7

Proposed Material Amendment

Add additional  wording on  the  National Water Resources Plan to the end of the last paragraph of Section 6.7:

Irish Water intend to seek planning permission for this project. in 2019

Irish Water is also preparing for the future by developing the National Water Resources Plan (NWRP). The strategic plan for water services will outline how we move towards a sustainable, secure and reliable public drinking water supply over the next 25 years, whilst safeguarding our environment. The NWRP will outline how Irish Water intends to maintain the balance between our supply from water sources around the country and demand for drinking water over the short, medium and long-term. This will allow preparation for the future and ensure the provision of sufficient safe, clean drinking water to facilitate the social and economic growth of our country.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.5
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Put Mh-C5-567
Highfield Solar Ltd


Section 6.10.2

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend INF OBJ 28 in Section 6.10.2 ‘Flood Risk Management’ as follows:

‘'To ensure that proposals for the development of solar farms are not located within areas identified as being within Flood Zones A and B are subject to a Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment as per the Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines 2009 for Planning Authorities (or any updated guidelines)'

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.6
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers MH-C5-430 

Section 6.11.2

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend 6.12 National Maritime Spatial Plan to 6.11.2 National Maritime Spatial Plan and add the following body text:

6.11.2 National Marine Planning Framework (Draft)

The NMPF is a national plan for Ireland’s maritime area, setting out, over a 20 year horizon, how we want to use, protect and enjoy our seas. The NMPF sits at the top of the hierarchy of plans and sectoral policies for the marine area. The plan has been informed by existing sectoral plans and will, in turn, be used to inform future cycles of those plans in an ongoing feedback loop. It provides a coherent framework in which those sectoral policies and objectives can be realised.
The marine plan will cover Ireland’s maritime area, including internal waters (sea area), territorial seas, exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf. The maritime area comprises approx. 490,000 km2 and extends from mean high water mark at the coast seaward to in excess of 200 nautical miles in parts.

This Draft NMPF contains the objectives, policies and supporting actions the Government considers necessary to support the effective management of marine activities and more sustainable use of our marine resources. It sets out the policy, legislative and regulatory context for Marine Spatial Planning in general and, more specifically, for the development of Ireland’s first plan. Consideration of the objectives of the plan, once adopted, will form part of the decision-making process for marine developments and activities.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.7
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers



Section 6.12

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend the following policy in Section 6.12 ‘ Maritime Spatial Plan’

INF POL 30: To implement the policies and objectives as set out within the National Maritime Spatial Plan and on adoption, the National Marine Planning Framework to realise the full benefits of our ocean wealth in a managed and sustainable way ensuring climate change is taken into account.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.8
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers



Section 6.15.2

Proposed Material Amendment

Include the following body text in Section 6.15.2 ‘Policy Context’:

Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan 2014

The Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan sets out the context for the development of Ireland’s offshore wind and ocean renewable energy sectors, and the current state of play with regard to the range of policy areas that must be coordinated in order to create the conditions necessary to support the development of these sectors. The Plan was subject to an interim review in 2018 which identified a list of challenges and proposed next steps required to implement the recommendations identified by the Oversight Group.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.9
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers



Section 6.15.3

Proposed Material Amendment

Insert the following body text at the end of Section 6.15.3 ‘Renewable Energy’;

RPO 10.24 of the Eastern Midlands RSES also sets out its support for the sustainable development of Ireland’s offshore renewable energy resources in accordance with the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources ‘Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan’ and any successor thereof including any associated domestic and international grid connection enhancements.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.10
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

(FTF) NOM 7 –
Cllr McCabe


Section 6.15.3

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend INF POL 34: in Section 6.15.3 ‘Renewable Energy’;

To promote sustainable energy sources locally based renewable energy alternatives, where such development does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment (including water quality), landscape, biodiversity, natural and built heritage, residential or local amenities.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.11
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Highfield Solar Limited



Proposed Material Amendment

Amend the following body text in Section Wind Energy:

Wind energy has been the most significant source of renewable electricity. In 2017, installed wind capacity has increased to 2,851 MW across the island of Ireland. In 2020, Ireland fell short of its mandatory European target for an overall 16% renewable energy share. However, if Ireland is to reach our 203020 renewable electricity target, 55% of our electricity generation must be from renewable energy. The build rate of onshore wind farms must accelerate from an historic average of 180 MW per year to at least 250 MW per year.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.12
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

NOM 72
Cllr Ronan Moore



Proposed Material Amendment

Amend policy in Section ‘Energy Efficiency’ as follows:

INF POL 39: To encourage the attainment of high standards of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in development and to support the development of sustainable buildings that achieve certification under the Home Performance Index.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.13
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

(FTF) NOM 16  
Cllr Alan Tobin


Section 6.16.2

Proposed Material Amendment

Update Chapter 6, Infrastructure Chapter, Section 6.16.2 Policy Context to include the following: 

Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy – Ireland’s National Waste Policy 2020-2025

This policy shifts away from waste disposal and moves it back up the production chain, seeking to embed the circular economy into the products life cycle. This new circular economy will also present opportunities, in job creation and long term sustainability as well as helping to meet our climate targets. The policy will be supported by existing and pending legislation.
The policy document contains over 200 measures across various waste areas including Circular Economy, Municipal Waste, Consumer Protection and Citizen Engagement, Plastics and Packaging, Construction and Demolition, Textiles, Green Public Procurement and Waste Enforcement. 

Graphic of circular economy

Amend the following policy:
INF POL 61    To facilitate the implementation of National Waste Legislation, National and and Regional Waste Management Policy and the circular economy.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.14
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Open Eir 


Section 6.16.3

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend the following policy in Section 6.16.3 ‘Broadband’:

INF POL 55: To seek to have appropriate modern ICT, including open access fibre connections in all new developments and a multiplicity of carrier neutral ducting installed during significant public infrastructure works such as roads, rail, water and sewerage, where feasible. and in consultation with all relevant licensed telecommunications operators.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.15
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Open Eir 


Section 6.16.3

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend the following INF OBJ 53 in Section 6.16.3 ‘Broadband’ as follows:

INF OBJ 53 :To require that open access communications cables and associated infrastructure are undergrounded in urban areas with particular reference to Architectural Conservation Areas in order to protect the visual amenities of streetscapes. Proposals for overground cables located within Architectural Conservation Areas will be subject to outcome of development management process.

Amendment No.: Proposed Amendment Chapter 6.16
Submission/NOM/(FTF) NOM Numbers

Broadband Officer, Meath County Council 


Section 6.16.3 Broadband

Proposed Material Amendment

Amend the following body text in Section 6.16.3 ‘Broadband’ 

“Broadband is one of the key drivers in maintaining competitiveness and supporting socioeconomic development. It provides a connectivity that has transformed the way people and businesses operate. The National Broadband Plan is the Government’s plan to deliver high speed broadband services to all businesses, farms, and households in Ireland. It will ensure that people living and working in rural areas have the same digital opportunities as those in urban areas.

The contract for the National Broadband Plan State intervention area was awarded in November 2019. The Council has been given specific responsibilities within the plan to supports its delivery.

A critical aspect of the National Broadband Plan is the development of Broadband Connection Points within existing and developing community facilities in the Intervention Areas. These facilities will enable local residents to access high speed broadband for leisure, economic, educational or work activities.

The WIFI4EU network, a publicly accessible free Wi-Fi service, is being delivered across Ireland in collaboration with the European Commission and the Department of Rural & Community Development. In Meath, residents and visitors are able to access high speed broadband in the main population centres of the County.

The Council will seek to support the delivery of these services and promote enhancement of broadband delivery in County Meath in the period of the Development Plan in accordance with National policy in order to:
• Promote the attractiveness of further regional locations outside of the main urban centres for economic development both indigenous and FDI;
• Facilitate more flexible study and working arrangements such as working from home and working hubs;
• Reduce social isolation.”

Regarding offshore renewable energy installations: Commercial sea fishing is a long standing, pre-existing and traditional activity in the marine environment. The evaluation and consideration of...
See letter attached.
I am a resident of  [Redacted_Personal Information] in Ashbourne and fully support the inclusion of the park space for Ashbourne and it’s people. The space is much needed for all residents but...
Please see attached 
Please find attached letter on behalf of Irish Water