
Closed18 Dec, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Mar, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Village Context/Character

Gormanston is located in the east of County Meath 1.2km from the coast and close to the M1 Dublin Belfast International Corridor. The village has developed in a linear pattern along the approach roads and around Gormanston College grounds and the Castle Demesne. The existing dwellings consist mainly of one-off detached houses and the area has remained essentially rural in character. The quiet grounds of the Demesne and the College create a peaceful environment while the approach roads are lined with mature trees and hedgerows which contribute to an attractive setting. 

Position in Settlement Hierarchy


2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Housing stock 2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation

20 units

Population Projection 2026


Education Facilities         

Gormanston College and Gormanston Montessori

Community Facilities

Gormanston Wood Nursing Home

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)


Protected Structures


Zone of Archaeological Potential

There are three National Monument Service Zones of Archaeological Potential within the village.

Natura 2000 Sites

The nearest Natura 2000 site is the River Nanny Estuary and Shore SPA which is located approximately 1.38km to the north east.  

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure.   

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

East Meath water supply scheme - limited capacity.
There is no waste water treatment plant.

Gormanston Castle Demesne, which is in use as a school (Franciscan College), a hostel and playing fields, occupy a large portion of the Plan area. Little development has taken place in the area in recent years and there are relatively few services for the existing population. Gormanston Army Camp is located to the north of the village. This military camp is a local employer and consists of approximately 260 acres, and is used for air-ground and air-defence training.

Gibney’s pub (The Huntsman) is located to the north of the village and Gormanston Wood nursing home to the east.

2.0 Vision

To preserve and conserve the existing character of Gormanston village by the consolidation and strengthening of the defined Village centre.  To recognise the importance of conserving an enhancing the quality of the Village’s built and natural environment and heritage, while catering for the needs of all  sections of the local community.

3.0 Opportunities

  • The main access route to Gormanston is via the R132 adjacent to Gibney’s pub (The Huntsman) . There is an opportunity to enhance and improve this area to make it evident that this is the main gateway to the village.
  •  A footpath has been recently constructed, connecting the school to the bus stop and the R132 to the north as a positive addition to public realm and could be introduced elsewhere in the village with additional pedestrian facilities.
  • There is an opportunity to explore pedestrian connections to the train station and the coast to the east. Gormanston train station is isolated from the village and could be easily accessible by foot.
  • Overall the area has a rural feel with the opportunity to enhance the village core. In places, grass verges could be better maintained, pedestrian crossings, traffic calming measures, public lighting and continuous footpaths could be provided. Village branding/presentation along main village spine and at village entry points would add to the sense of place and create a characteristic village feel.

4.0 Land Use Strategy

The aim of the land use strategy is to consolidate and strengthen the settlement. The Core Strategy of the County Development Plan seeks to provide for natural growth in a sustainable manner which is integrated within the village’s  existing built environment.

4.1 Settlement and Housing

There is one site zoned for new residential use. This site is approximately 2.1 ha in size and is located at the centre of the village. The site has no planning history and is currently in use for agricultural purposes.

4.2 Economy and Employment (including retail)

Gormanston is identified as a Level 5 retail centre in the County Retail Hierarchy. At present, the only commercial facilities in the village consist of a public house Gibney’s pub (The Huntsman). A second public house located on the opposite side of the R132 (The Cock Tavern) is presently closed. There is no convenience shop in the village and the post office closed in the recent past, however Stamullen has a number of services which the Gormanston residents can avail of. The Gormanston Wood Nursing Home is located to the east of the Plan envelop and adjoins the R132 Regional Road.

There have been previous proposals for the development of a world class deepwater port, logistics centre and business park at Gormonston, County Meath. This port project is at the pre-feasibility stage and environmental / habitat assessment has been carried out. However, there have been no further developments with regard to this project.

Gormanston Army Camp is located to the north of the village. This military camp consists of approximately 260 acres, and is used for air-ground and air-defence training.

4.3 Water Services Infrastructure

Gormanston is served by the following water services infrastructure:

Water: Gormanston is served by the East Meath Water Supply Scheme. It is at the periphery of that scheme and hence due to network constraints spare capacity is limited.

Wastewater: There is no public (Irish Water) sewer network or wastewater treatment plant serving Gormanston and there are no Irish Water proposals to provide a wastewater scheme for Gormanston within the Plan period.

4.4 Movement

Gormanston consists of a linear development along the Village Road. It is connected to Stamullen via the Gormanston Road which traverses the M1 Motorway close to Junction 7 which serves both settlements. The Village Road joins the R132 Regional Road at Gibney’s pub (TheHuntsman)  and a public bus stop is located on either side of the R132 at this location.

The village is connected to the Gormanston Army Camp via Camp Lane and is also connected to the R132 via Martins Road and the Devlin Road to the south. The Delvin Road is part of a staggered junction arrangement with the R132 with the other arm of this junction “Station Road” serving the train station.

The R132 which travels adjacent to the Gormanston Development Framework envelop and links Balbriggan with Drogheda, carries significant levels of traffic and poses a risk for pedestrians accessing the bus stop on the R132 and train station to the east of the village.

Gormanston is currently served by the 101 bus service by Bus Éireann. This service operates from Dublin city centre to the Bus Station in Drogheda, via Swords, Balbriggan and Julianstown. The 100 and 100X service which includes access to Dublin Airport from Drogheda also serve Gormanston. A Mathew’s Coach the 910 also services the area. The village is also served by the Gormanston Train Station to the east of the village. The station is served by the Dublin – Belfast commuter service.

4.5 Cultural and Natural Heritage

There are a number of structures in Gormanston included on the Record of Protected Structures attached to the Plan and it is an objective to preserve the character and setting of these buildings.

Gormanston Castle was built in 1786, on the site of a castle erected in 1372. The castle has been in educational use since the 1950s as Gormanston College.

A group of passage graves are located on either side of the mouth of River Delvin. The Gormanston area is rich in Neolithic artefacts including passage graves and indeed those of all later periods.

Cromwell’s Avenue which extends from the main gates to Gormanston College in an easterly direction appears to have been the approach route to the original castle. It is an objective of this Plan to protect and maintain the view from Gormanston Castle along this route. Any development within this area will have to have regard to the location and setting of Cromwell’s Avenue within its design.  

4.6 Green Infrastructure

 The provision of open spaces within Gormanston as part of any new development will be encouraged. The development of a linear park along the Delvin River would provide a valuable amenity resource for residents.

4.7 Social Infrastructure

Current community facilities in Gormanston consist of the church, community hall, GAA grounds, Gormanston Park (hostel) and secondary school. The Council will support the expansion of these facilities as necessary to serve the existing and additional population in the area.

4.8 Urban Design and Public Realm

A high standard of building design will be required for all types of development in Gormanston. The design approach should be representative of Gormanston as a rural village with cues for building form taken from the traditional and vernacular built heritage in the area. New building should respond to the individual site context and take due cognisance of adjoining development. Within residential areas, standard suburban house designs should be avoided and an individual approach should be taken to house design.

5.0 Village Development Policies and Objectives

The Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan.


It is the policy of the Council:


To consolidate and preserve the village core of Gormanston, and encourage organic growth that will contribute to the character and structure of the village core, and enhance the quality of the village’s attractive built and natural environment.


It is an objective of the Council:

Settlement and Housing


To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Julianstown as set out in Table 2.11 of the Core Strategy are not exceeded.


To support and encourage residential development on under-utilised land and /or vacant lands including ‘infill’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, subject to a high standard of design and layout being achieved.



To promote more sustainable form of transport, including the provision of new pedestrian paths, public lighting, and traffic calming measures to connect the amenities of the village, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders.   


To seek to improve linkages between Gormanston village and railway station by providing new paths/footpaths and crossings at key locations on R132, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders.


To introduce efficient traffic calming measures along the main village road and at the main gateways improve pedestrian safety, subject to available resources.


To seek to provide bus shelters in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders.



To seek to enhance community and recreational uses for the benefit of the community, as appropriate.


To develop a River Linear Park/Walk along the Delvin River which would benefit local residents and college students, subject to appropriate environmental assessments, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders.

Cultural and Natural Heritage


To promote the preservation of individual trees or groups of trees or woodlands as identified on the Heritage Map (Sheet No. 16b) and to manage these trees in line with arboricultural best practice.

  1. Trees in the grounds of Gormanston College.
  2. Trees along the area known as Cromwell’s Avenue.
  3. Trees and woodland area to the north of the Delvin River.


Views to be preserved

  1. Views from Cromwell’s Avenue west towards Gormanston Castle.
  2. Views from Gormanston Castle east along Cromwell’s Avenue towards the sea


To ensure high standard of building design which should be representative of Gormanston as a rural village with cues for building form taken from the traditional and vernacular built heritage in the area. New buildings should respond to the individual site context and take due cognisance of adjoining development.


To seek to improve the main village gateway in the vicinity of Gibney’s pub (The Huntsman) including: landscaping, public art, community gathering area, information signage etc. which would help to define the village arrival/core, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders.


To seek to improve the village presentation along the main spine and at the entry points in the form of high quality signage, public art and village type lighting standards.


To seek to improve existing footpaths, grass verges and preserve existing trees and hedgerows in order to maintain a consistent appearance throughout the village

  • 1 - The unbuilt extant units have been included in this allocation



Submission from John O'Byrne re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from John O'Byrne re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Jacqueline Curtis-Hogan re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Jacqueline Curtis-Hogan re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Irene Lee re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Irene Lee re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Gareth McNally re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Gareth McNally re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Ciara Byrne re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)
Submission from Ciara Byrne re: Gormanston (by post 5-3-20)