Kilmessan Architectural Conservation Area

Closed18 Dec, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Mar, 2020, 16:00

Historical Develoment

Kilmessan is located on the River Skane, a tributary of the Boyne and in a landscape of high visual quality between the Boyne and Tara Hill. Kilmessan is a predominantly linear village, which grew up around the former Navan-Dublin (Clonsilla) railway line. Although most of its buildings are relatively modest, it is the topography and setting which make the most contribution to its special character.

Built Form

The focal point of the ACA is at the junction of roads at the southern end of the village and  is characterised by the Market House, which forms an important visual feature. Other buildings, which add significantly to the character of the village, include the former church and the Rectory and their grounds.

The attractive stone walls and backdrop of mature trees are a pleasant backdrop to the village while the area is enlivened by traditional water pumps, wrought iron  gates to the Church  of Ireland and Glebe and railings within the grounds.

Summary of Special Character

The special character of Kilmessan ACA is derived from the relationship of features derived from its historical development. These are the relationship of the historic village to the church and grounds and in turn the church to the glebe house and its grounds. The axis of the village is terminated spatially by a modest building in keeping with the village architectural expression. This building acts as a pivotal marker on approaching and traversing the village. Behind this the police station is part of a collection of public functions located along the main street and its official status has an appropriate architectural expression.


  1. To preserve the character of the village and its setting by requiring that the height, scale, and design of any proposed development within the village and in the surrounding area should complement the character of the village and not diminish its distinctiveness of place.
  2. To protect the natural landscape setting.
  3. To encourage the removal of visually intrusive elements such as overhead cables or inappropriate signage.
  4. To require the preservation and re-instatement of traditional details and materials on existing buildings and the streetscape where improvements or maintenance works are being carried out. 


A detailed statement of character and planning guidance is available to download from the website. 

