
Closed18 Dec, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Mar, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Introduction

This written statement will provide a brief description and development strategy for Stamullen. A detailed Local Area Plan for the town will be prepared during the life of this Plan.

2.0 Town Context/Character

Located within the Ashbourne Municipal District, Stamullen is a small town situated in the east of the County, in close proximity to the border with County Dublin.  The town has developed as a commuter settlement primarily due to its proximity to Dublin and associated road and rail links via the M1 Dublin-Belfast Motorway and Gormanstown Rail Station. It is also well connected to the designated growth centre of Drogheda to the north, whilst Balbriggan is a large town to the south-east.

The town functions as a local service centre however due to the proximity of the settlement to towns such as Balbriggan and Drogheda, the range of services available are limited.

The development of Stamullen has been influenced by the Delvin River to the south and the motorway to the east, which has resulted in the town development being concentrated on the northern side of the Gormanstown Road.

The City North Business Park is an important location for employment in the area however connectivity between the town and the Business Park is an issue due to the absence of a direct road link.

There is a cluster of community facilities on the Cockhill Road consisting of St. Patrick’s National School and St. Patrick’s GAA Club. This provides a strong community focus in this part of the town.

Residential development in the town is concentrated in established residential estates to the west of the Cockhill Road.

Position in Settlement Hierarchy

Self-Sustaining Town

2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Housing stock 2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation

290 units

Population Projection 2026


Resident Workers 2016


Total Jobs 2016


Job – Workforce Ratio 2016


Recommended density of future developments

25 units/ha

Education Facilities         

St Patrick’s National School and 4 no. registered Childcare & Montessori facilities. No Secondary Schools.

Community Facilities

St. Patricks GAA Club Grounds; Community Centre; Church; and Post Office

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)


Protected Structures


Zone of Archaeological Potential

There is a National Monument Service Zone of Archaeological Notification in the centre of the town.

Natura 2000 Sites

The nearest Natura 2000 site is the River Nanny Estuary and Shore SPA which is located approximately 2.65km to the north east.  

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Flood Risk Zones A & B have been identified
within the town with areas subject to risk of
flooding from the Delvin River.

Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure. At development management stage, any FRAs should include consideration of culvert blockage.

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

Limited capacity in Stamullen Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Limited capacity in the water supply to Stamullen sourced from East Meath Water supply scheme/Staleen Water Treatment Plant.

3.0 Vision

”To promote the sustainable growth of Stamullen and facilitate its development as a Self-Sustaining Growth Town by supporting local business and economic development and identifying opportunities that will deliver enhanced facilities and amenities.”

4.0 Opportunities

  • Potential for economic development given the strategic location of the town on the Dublin-Belfast Economic corridor which will address out bound commuting levels.
  • The further development and enhancement of City North Business Park will assist with job creation.
  • Enhance the attractiveness of the town centre to encourage the retention and further development of local business.
  • Enhanced connectivity - Increase permeability and connectivity within the town for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, in particular between Silverstream and Cockhill Roads, and City North Business Park and the town of Stamullen.
  • Potential for Green Infrastructure network – Facilitate the development of a green link within the established residential area to the north west of the town and facilitate an amenity pathway along the northern bank of the Delvin River, making provision for a community playground at a suitable location, whilst ensuring adequate linkages to the town centre.

5.0 Land Use Strategy

The development strategy for Stamullen will focus on the development of the settlement as a local service and employment centre.

The City North Business Campus is strategically located off the M1 at Junction 7 however the absence of a direct road link to the campus from Stamullen has inhibited the creation of a synergy between the town and this employment zone. This Plan will continue to support the provision of a road link which would improve connectivity and permeability in the town and create a more sustainable settlement.

A fundamental element of the growth strategy for the town is investment in infrastructure services. The existing wastewater treatment plant is operating at capacity and is restricting growth in the settlement. The Council will continue to work closely with Irish Water in the identification of a long term solution to the treatment of waste water in the town that would provide the required capacity to facilitate growth.

Residential growth in the town will involve the build out of the residential lands between the M1 and the Cockhill Road where there are two parcels of land available for residential development.

In addition there are opportunities for small infill developments in the town centre and established residential areas.

5.1 Settlement and Housing

The historic development pattern of Stamullen consists of a linear pattern of individual properties to the north and south of the Gormanstown Road, while the more recent pattern of development of consists of residential developments with a mix of house types including detached, semi-detached, and terraced properties.

Future residential development in the town will focus on consolidation and the completion of extant permissions. This growth will be concentrated in two residential areas to the south of the City North Business Campus. There is an extant permission for 205 units on the lands adjacent to St. Patrick’s GAA Club that was granted in 2018. At the time of writing no works had commenced on this development.

There are also under-utilised infill and brownfield lands in the town which have the potential to be developed for residential uses.

Any development should include an appropriate mix of housing that meets the needs of the entire community.

5.2 Economy and Employment

Stamullen is identified as a Level 4 retail centre in the County Retail hierarchy which seeks to deliver local / neighbourhood retail services, serving the immediate population only.  Given the position of Stamullen in the retail hierarchy and its proximity to the large service centre of Balbriggan, the extent of retail services provided in the town centre will be limited.  The emphasis will therefore be on consolidation of the town centre rather than expansion. 

Recent commercial development has occurred in a consolidated manner within the town core in the form of two and three storey buildings, with a number of the units in these new buildings remaining vacant.  The existing town centre zoning extends for a considerable distance along the Main Street, incorporating a number of town centre opportunity and infill sites, providing opportunities for commercial and residential uses in the centre of the town.

Stamullen is a local employment centre that serves the wider East Meath area. There is an emphasis on providing serviced industrial sites and incubator units to meet the needs of the local population and surrounding area. These sites can be accommodated on the existing employment lands in the City North Business Park, where there is capacity for further expansion. The location of this Business Park, which includes a hotel with conference facilities, along the M1 Dublin to Belfast Economic Corridor makes it an attractive location for investment due to its transport links with regional and national growth centres.

5.3 Water Services Infrastructure

Water: Stamullen is supplied with water from the East Meath Water Supply Scheme, which serves a large catchment area.  The principal source of water is the Staleen Water Treatment Plant near Donore. The pipeline serving Stamullen is a constraint and limits spare capacity. In addition, regard must be had to the significant extant planning permissions for multiple residential units permitted in Drogheda Environs, Ashbourne, Ratoath, Laytown / Bettystown and Duleek in particular.

Wastewater: The town is currently served by Stamullen waste water treatment plant. There is very limited spare capacity at this plant. The Council in conjunction with Irish Water is progressing proposals for a major Capital project to provide the additional Wastewater capacity required to facilitate the development and growth of the town. It is envisaged that this capital project will be realised within period of this plan.

5.4 Movement

Although served by Junction 7 of the M1 Motorway, there is no direct connection into the town from the motorway. Instead residents must travel a circuitous route via the former N1 (R132), some 5.5 km in distance.  Whilst the town has no direct connection to the motorway, the City North Business Campus does.  However, the Campus remains disconnected from the town, save for a heritage walkway which was developed by the owners of the hotel.  It is an objective of the plan to advance the possible upgrading of M1 Junction 7 to improve its capacity inclusive of the facilitation of vehicular access to / from Stamullen via the City North Business Campus to the M1 Interchange.

Stamullen is currently served by the train station at Gormanston some 4.5 km distant however there is no public bus transport.  A private bus operator does serve the City North Business Park and the town with a route via Gormanstown and Balbriggan to Dublin city, four times a day. Footpaths and cycle paths have been provided linking Stamullen with Gormanstown and the Council will seek to improve the cycling environment linking Stamullen to the train station and bus stops at Gormanston.

The transport vision for Stamullen is to enhance connectivity within the town and between the town and City North Business Campus and Junction 7.  The priority must also be on improving pedestrian and cycle facilities within the town and between the Business Park and Gormanstown.  Providing pedestrian and cycle connectivity between the residential development to the north of the town and existing community facilities on Cockhill Road remains a priority.

5.5 Cultural and Natural Heritage

There are 3 no. archaeological monuments in the town including an Ecclesiastical Enclosure (SMRS Ref: ME02305), Hut Site (SMRS Ref: ME02304) and a church in the centre of the village (SMRS Ref: ME01584). It is an objective to preserve and protect these features.

The Record of Protected Structures (RPS), identifies a total of 5 no. structures in Stamullen, including Stadalt House (reference MH034 102) and the Catholic Church (reference MH034 104).

In terms of natural heritage, there are no designated sites, including Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (c.SAC), Special Protection Areas (SPA) or proposed Natural Heritage Areas (pNHA) within the development boundary of Stamullen.  The town does contain several mature and attractive trees which define the landscape setting and are identified to be protected.

The natural and built heritage strategy seeks to ensure that the natural and built heritage of the town is respected.  In this regard a green edge is to be established surrounding the built-up area of Stamullen with an emphasis on advancing landscaping proposals in respect of new development concentrating on proposals to repair and enhance the landscape structure of the town.

5.6 Green Infrastructure

There are a number of green infrastructure features in the settlement which can be categorised into different green infrastructure themes, including biodiversity; parks, open space and recreation; sustainable water management; archaeological and architectural heritage; and landscape.   A number of the features have been identified in previous sections of the plan, including the Delvin River, the newly constructed GAA grounds, protected structures and recorded monuments. Other features which are important in maintaining biodiversity in the town includes Watery Lane at the rear of the church ruin and graveyard.  The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stamullen seeks to ensure the protection and enhancement of the natural and built heritage of the town.  It aims to protect and conserve biodiversity within the plan area and on adjoining lands, landscape character areas and flora and fauna and to provide for the passive and active recreational needs of users.

5.7 Social Infrastructure

Community groups and organisations are the most important social infrastructure in the town and Stamullen is fortunate to benefit from many active groups and associations, including Stamullen Tidy Towns Committee, Graveyard Committee and the GAA Club providing active sporting facilities.  The Council will continue to work with these groups and associations to deliver vital social and community facilities in the town.

Although the town of Stamullen does benefit from passive and active open space, including the GAA grounds, there is no public park or playground within the town.  The identified areas of open space are largely undeveloped, including 7 hectares of land on the northern bank of the Delvin River.  The provision of a walkway along the Delvin River and the development of these lands to provide for both active and passive open space is a key priority of the plan, in order to provide much needed amenity provision in the town, including a public playground. Spot objective OBJ 1 on the Land Use Zoning Map identifies the location of these lands.

It is important that any development fronting the Main Street maintains links to the Delvin River, thereby ensuring adequate connectivity and permeability, to the future public park. Lands located to the west of the town east of Stadalt House have been identified for the future potential development of a public playground. Development in this area should allow for access to the Riverside walk at design stage.

The existing burial ground located within the town core, is contained and adjoins a Recorded Monument (church).  As a result, it cannot be easily extended.  It will be an objective of this Plan to identify appropriate lands to accommodate a new graveyard subject to all relevant tests being carried out.

5.8 Urban Design and Public Realm

The new housing stock in Stamullen is generally of a good quality.  However the layout of these developments has resulted in a weak urban structure with poor linkages and a lack of permeability contributing to the segregation of housing, community facilities, schools and commercial developments. In addition, the new developments, in many instances, fail to provide a sense of place and identity, due to the lack of facilities provided.

All new development in Stamullen must facilitate the provision or improvement of key infrastructure or community facilities, in particular pedestrian linkages and connectivity to adjoining developments and facilities. 

6.0 Town Development Objectives

The Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan


It is the policy of the Council:


To promote the sustainable growth of Stamullen and consolidate its role as a Self-Sustaining  Town and a local service centre.


It is an objective of the Council:

Housing Strategy


To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Stamullen as set out in Table 2.11 of the Core Strategy are not exceeded, subject to the availability of services.


To encourage the re-development of backland infill sites within the town that include residential uses.

Employment and Economy


To maintain and enhance the compact mixed use town centre as the primary location for retail and commercial services


To adopt a sequential approach to development infill town centre sites shall be prioritised for retail and commercial development in advance of other sites within the town, except in exceptional circumstances.


To facilitate development of employment lands at the City North Business Park in tandem with the development of the necessary link road from these lands to the Gormanstown Road.  



To liaise with and support Irish Water to endeavour to provide adequate water services to meet the development needs of the town within the Plan period which will ensure Stamullen can fulfil its role as a ‘Self-Sustaining Town’


To manage flood risk and development in Stamullen  in accordance with policies and objectives set out in section 6.7.2 of Volume 1 of the County Development Plan ‘Flood Risk Management’



To provide for an integrated network of cycle ways throughout the town where considered appropriate in order to promote more sustainable modes of transportation and enhance connectivity between the town and Gormanstown.


To facilitate vehicular access to/from the town to commercial and employment uses on lands identified with an E2 “General Enterprise & Employment” and E3 “Warehousing & Distribution” land use zoning objective which would serve, inter alia, Stamullen town and access to the M1 Motorway interchange.


To improve junction layouts within the town.


To facilitate the provision of pedestrian linkages from Silverstream Road to Cockhill Road through established residential areas.

Cultural and Natural Heritage


To protect the setting and curtilage of the graveyard and church within the retail core of Stamullen town centre.


To promote the preservation of individual trees or groups of trees as identified on the land use zoning map and to manage these trees in line with arboricultural best practice.


To facilitate the provision of a riverside walk adjacent to the Delvin River.


To develop a ‘green link’ throughout the town, with a view to linking existing and proposed open space areas within existing and proposed developments



To facilitate the delivery of a town playground on land identified east of Stadalt House or alternatively on land zoned as open space along the Delvin River.


To identify suitable lands for a new graveyard when necessary subject to the completion of all required testing.


To provide for the expansion of existing community facilities on lands surrounding Stadalt House subject to the availability of services.

Urban Design


To facilitate infill and other developments within the town centre in the context of their contribution towards the enhancement of the existing streetscape and the visual amenities of the central part of Stamullen.

  • 1 - The unbuilt extant units have been included in this allocation



Submission from Michelle Bonass re: Stamullen [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Michelle Bonass re: Stamullen [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Cllrs Sharon Keogan and Amanda Smith re zoning in Stamullen
Submission from Cllrs Sharon Keogan and Amanda Smith re zoning in Stamullen (by post 6.3.2020)
Submission from Jim Brogan Planning Consultant on behalf of Mr. Patrick Dunphy re Lands at Stamullen [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Jim Brogan Planning Consultant on behalf of Mr. Patrick Dunphy re Lands at Stamullen [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Eamon Brannigan re: Stamullen [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Eamon Brannigan re: Stamullen [by post 6-3-20]
Zoning submission for lands in Stamullen.
Enclosed with Submission.