Maynooth Environs

Closed18 Dec, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Mar, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Introduction

This written statement will provide a brief description and development strategy for Maynooth Environs in County Meath. A joint Local Area Plan will be prepared, in conjunction with Kildare County Council, for the town during the life of this Plan.

RPO 4.35 of the RSES states as follows:

‘A cross boundary Joint Local Area Plan (LAP) shall be prepared by Kildare County Council and Meath County Council to provide a co-ordinated planning framework for the Maynooth area. The Joint LAP shall identify a boundary for the plan area, strategic housing and employment development areas and infrastructure investment requirements and promote greater co-ordination and sequential delivery of serviced lands for development.’

2.0 Town Context and Character

Maynooth is located within the Dublin Metropolitan Area. It is identified in the RSES as a key town with the assets and capacity to grow in a sustainable manner while minimising impacts on the receiving environment.

Maynooth Environs in County Meath is located on the northern periphery of the dynamic university town of Maynooth. The lands within Maynooth Environs are largely undeveloped at present and comprise approximately 139 hectares of land approximately 1.5km to the north east of the town centre. It is bisected by the R157 road which links Maynooth to Dunboyne. For the purposes of this plan the Moygaddy lands are taken to contain all lands with the boundary of the Environs Plan excluding the lands in Co. Meath which are part of the Carton Estate.

The regional policy objectives set down specifically for Maynooth in the RSES include the following:

  • Support the continued development of Maynooth, co-ordinated with the delivery of strategic infrastructure including pedestrian and cycle linkages within the town and to the Royal Canal Greenway, DART expansion and road linkages forming part of the Maynooth Outer Orbital Route in a manner which supports future development and population  growth and builds on synergies with Maynooth University promoting a knowledge-based economy (RPO 4.33).
  • Support Maynooth as a key town to act as an economic driver for north Kildare and provide for strategic employment at key locations to improve the economic base of the town and provide for an increased number of local jobs (RPO 4.34).

It is recognised in the RSES that Key Towns should act as economic drivers and provide for strategic employment locations to improve their economic base by increasing the ratio of jobs to workers. While the number of people at work within the town is relatively high, a significant number of residents commute to Dublin. The development of the Maynooth Environs is envisaged by the Council  as  a  natural  extension  to  the  town  of  Maynooth  and  as  a  location  for  employment generation and the establishment of a self sustaining ‘live work’ community. The lands are  composed of two distinct elements; Moygaddy stud, on lands to the west of the R157, and the Carton Demesne lands located to the east of the R157. The lands to the west of the R157, of some  98 hectares, are currently in use as a stud farm. The existing buildings on these lands reflect this use and consist of a purpose built stud dating from the 1830’s. The lands to the east of the R157 amount to approximately 41 hectares and consist of a mixture of pasture, scrub, and woodland associated with Carton Demesne.

Position in Settlement Hierarchy

Key Town

2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation

500 units

Population Projection 2026


Recommended density of future developments

45 units/ha

Education Facilities         

8 (Including 1 National University) located within theadministrative area of County Kildare

Community Facilities

7 including a number located within the surrounding area administrative area of County Kildare

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)

No ACA within the Maynooth Environs area

Protected Structures


Zone of Archaeological Potential


Natura 2000 Sites

Yes, the Rye Water Valley/Carton SAC is located within the Maynooth Environs area.  

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure.

Ensure that the distributor road has appropriate site specific FRA and OPW section 50 consent. 

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

Water supply from Co. Kildare; and,

Wastewater discharged to Co. Kildare

3.0 Vision

‘Maynooth Environs shall develop in partnership with the existing town in County Kildare as a dynamic developing area, which will integrate with the town’s existing urban area. It is envisaged that the Environs will be a focal point for science and technology employment, with high quality knowledge based jobs utilising the synergy with NUI Maynooth as a centre of excellence for research and innovation. The intention is to create a unique employment hub centred on a high tech/bio tech campus within the lands, supported by a ‘live work’ community with a mixture of residential, employment, community and tourism zoning’.

4.0 Opportunities

  • To establish a unique enterprise and employment zone with complementary mixed use services and neighbourhoods that become a hub for a new sustainable economy in south Meath. This will help Maynooth fulfil its role as a Key Town within the Metropolitan Area.
  • To facilitate the delivery of the Maynooth Outer Orbital Route (MOOR) as significant part of the orbital route for the town
  • To provide a ‘live work’ community on a sustainable platform.
  • To support Maynooth University with the potential for synergies between the science and technology hub and the University.
  • To incorporate an appropriate mix of land uses which may include a medical hub, tourist facilities and related uses at a suitable location on the lands.
  • To support the provision of amenity parkland along the Ryewater as part of a campus arrangement.

5.0 Settlement and Housing

In the absence of any build out of existing zoned land it is difficult to anticipate the projected population by 2026 for Maynooth Environs. However, owing to its location within the Metropolitan Area and the need to frame a cohesive long term plan with all the enabling infrastructure to release serviced lands, it is considered prudent to ensure there is sufficient land identified to cater for a projected population of 1000 persons over the life of the County Development Plan. This allocation is independent of a future additional Metropolitan Area Spatial Plan (MASP) allocation for the Key Town of Maynooth to be shared between Kildare and Meath Local Authorities.  

The lands zoned for Community Infrastructure (G1) are intended to facilitate the delivery of a major hospital and associated medical facilities development during the period of this Plan. 

The Council will ensure that proposed developments will deliver high quality living environments. New schemes will be required to ensure the adequate provision of open space and services commensurate with the needs of the existing and proposed communities. The proposed layouts  shall retain a good level of pedestrian and cycle permeability and support the provision of strategic linkages/connections within the lands.

6.0 Student Accommodation

The proximity of the lands to Maynooth University and the clear deficit of 3rd  level  accommodation presents an opportunity to provide for same in the Maynooth Environs area in County Meath.

In considering planning applications for student accommodation, the Council will have regard to the Department of Education and Science Guidelines on Residential Development for 3rd Level Students (1999) and the supplementary review document of July 2005.

The following issues should be addressed for all student accommodation proposals (please also refer to Chapter 11 Development Management Standards):

  • The proximity of the site to existing or planned public transport corridors and cycle routes;
  • The potential impact on local residential amenities;
  • The standard of accommodation (bedrooms, bathrooms, communal rooms, open space) as set out in the above Guidelines;
  • The level and quality of on-site facilities, including storage facilities, waste management, cycle storage, leisure facilities, car parking and amenity;
  • The architectural quality of the design and external layout, with respect to materials, scale, height and relation to adjacent structures;
  • The provision of documentary evidence of a ‘qualifying lease’ as defined in the Guidelines on Residential Development for 3rd Level Students to prove that the accommodation is for let to students within the academic year;
  • Whether internal layouts are flexible in terms of future possible changes of uses rational;  and
  • Any alternative uses for the proposed development outside of the academic year.

7.0 Employment and Tourism

Employment uses for the Maynooth Environs are based on the Economic Strategy objectives which focus on the development of Life Sciences, High Tech, Bio Tech, ICT, Research & Development and seeks to benefit from synergies with third level institutions including Maynooth University (MU) and major employers already established in the sub region (Intel, Hewlett Packard). The Economic Strategy contained within Volume I of this Plan seeks to brand this area as a centre of excellence in the knowledge based economy, particularly having regard to its location viz a viz the M4 Knowledge corridor. The objective is to foster a ‘dynamic partnership’ between multi-national companies, indigenous Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s), and third level institutions which may include NUI Maynooth University (MU), in a campus style environment of exceptional high quality design. The additional sites selected reference those areas with the highest incidence of outbound commuting3 combined with high quality skill set profile.

The employment lands in the Maynooth Environs have been designated as a strategic employment site This measure will facilitate successful the marketing of the lands in line with  the recommendations of   the Economic Development Strategy for County Meath 
(Refer to Chapter 4 Economy and Employment Strategy for further details). 
In the case of Maynooth Environs, the opportunities presented to develop synergies with Maynooth University accord with the RSES policy direction to focus on technology and innovation poles located at universities when identifying sites for enterprise.

The intention is to create a unique employment hub within a legible framework consisting of a series of signature and innovative architectural designs which will respect and complement the historical and ecological qualities of both Carton Demesne and Moygaddy Castle and House.

The development of the lands within the Moygaddy Stud (including proposed medical facilities) and Carton Demesne shall be subject to the preparation of Master Plans.

8.0 Cultural and Natural Heritage

The Rye Water Valley/Carton Special Area of Conservation (SAC site code 001398) is located between Leixlip and Maynooth extending along the River Rye Water, a tributary of the River Liffey. A portion of this SAC site is located in the south eastern portion of the lands in Carton Demesne situated to the east of the R157 at Kildare Bridge extending approximately 600m to the eastern side of Carton Bridge. This area is also a proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA). This area has been identified as H1 in the land use zoning objectives map where it is an objective, ‘To protect and improve areas of high amenity’.

Carton House (a Protected Structure) and its demesne landscape constitute one of the most important elements of Ireland’s architectural, cultural and historic heritage. The siting of appropriately scaled and designed development within the area of Carton Demesne in  County Meath shall ensure that the character and integrity of this sensitive designed landscape and setting of Carton House within this landscape is respected and not adversely impacted upon. The nature, scale and location of new development shall be such that it is intertwined and integrated with its existing woodland setting. A specific objective has been included in this regard for the submission of a Masterplan for these lands.

There are two protected structures and one National Monument located within the plan area as follows:

  •  Carton Demesne Wall: Length of rubble stone demesne wall, built c. 1760 including piers and gates.
  •  Moygaddy House: Three-bay two storey over basement house, built c. 1850, hipped roof with and pilastered porch, ranges of outbuildings forming narrow rectangular courtyard. Gates, piers and boundary walls.
  • Moygaddy Castle and tower house.

9.0 Social Infrastructure

There are lands identified for community building to support the future ‘live work’ community in the Environs. These lands could provide for a hospital, educational facilities or other community uses compatible with the zoning objective.

10.0 Urban Design and Public Realm

It is a requirement that the architectural and urban design of the employment buildings, residential area and associated facilities should be of the highest quality. Commercial buildings represent an opportunity for innovative design in a campus setting. In Moygaddy, within the Science and Technology zone, there should be a coherent landscaping edge to the proposed local distributor  road and to the R157 Regional Road. Commercial buildings must ensure that facades facing the road represent the public face of the development. Any storage/warehouse elements of structures should be located to the rear of the respective plots. Standalone warehouse or distribution operations will not be permitted within these lands, as such architecture would detract from the concept for the lands, and can be facilitated more readily in other less sensitive locations.

Layouts shall retain a good level of permeability and create safe, attractive and overlooked pedestrian linkages. Layouts will be required to facilitate the retention of the maximum number of significant trees, which must be adequately protected before and during development works. Where it is necessary to remove trees to facilitate development, the Council may require the planting of semi-mature trees, saplings or tree seedlings or other plants as a condition of the permission.

11.0 Master Plans

There are 2 Master Plan areas identified in Maynooth. The purpose of a Master Plan is to ensure an integrated approach is taken to the phasing, management, and development of lands within the Master Plan Area. A planning application will not be considered in the absence of the Master Plan being agreed in writing with the Planning Authority unless it can be demonstrated that the application will not undermine the objectives of the Master Plan being achieved.

Master Plan



Master Plan 1

Master Plan 1 relates to lands incorporating a range of employment,
 residential and community support opportunities in both the Moygaddy lands
 and other designated  lands  within the boundary of this Master Plan
excluding the MP2 lands below.

Awaiting preparation

Master Plan 2

Master Plan 2 relates to employment lands adjacent to Carton Demesne, located in Co. Meath.

Awaiting preparation

12.0 Town Development Policies and Objectives

As a point of clarity the Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan.


It is the policy of the Council:


To prepare in conjunction with Kildare County Council a joint Local Area Plan for Maynooth, over the period of the Plan.


To ensure that the development of the Maynooth Environs is accommodated in an environmentally sensitive manner that will:

  1. Create a centre of excellence for innovation and employment;
  2. Protect the existing natural environment and built heritage and utilise it to frame new development, and
  3. Build a distinctive and attractive mixed-use place to work and live.


To provide for high technology / bio technology industries/medical uses inclusive of associated advanced manufacturing, office, research and development uses in a high quality campus style environment on the strategic employment lands.


It is an objective of the Council:

MAY OBJ 1 (Master Plan 1)

It is an objective of the Planning Authority to require the submission  with any application for development of lands at Moygaddy of a Master Plan for the prior written agreement of the Executive of the Planning Authority which shall address the following:

  1. A Design Statement outlining the evolution of the design process for the proposed development. An emphasis on exemplar sustainable design and aesthetic quality shall be required
  2. Proposals for the accessing of lands which shall adhere to the permitted Part VIII realignment of the junction of the R157 Regional Road and Moygaddy Road.
  3. Proposals providing for the delivery of the Maynooth Outer Relief Road which shall be developer driven in tandem with the overall development;
  4. Proposals for piped water services to be agreed with Irish Water compliant with any existing consents in place;
  5. Mobility Management Plan for the development4.   This Plan shall be to the fore in establishing the agreed quantum of employees which can be accommodated within individual locations predicated on maximising public transport opportunities and the use of innovation in reducing associated carbon footprint.
  6. Urban design and landscape design statement.

Any development within the subject lands shall be subject to compliance with the requirements of the Habitats Directive and shall be phased with the delivery of the MOOR in Phase 1 of the development.

MAY OBJ 2 (Master Plan 2)

It is an objective of the Planning Authority to require the submission of a Master Plan for the prior written agreement of the Executive of the Planning Authority with any application for development within Carton Demesne which shall address the following:

  1. An assessment prepared by a suitably qualified conservation architect which demonstrates and concludes that the proposed development is sited and scaled such that it ensures that the character and integrity of this sensitive designed landscape and setting of Carton House within this landscape is respected and not adversely impacted upon. The assessment shall include reference to the significance of the designed landscape within the Development Framework lands to the overall evolution of the demesne.
  2. Proposals for piped water services to be agreed with Irish Water and compliant with any existing consents in place;
  3. Proposals for the accessing of lands identified which shall adhere to the permitted Part VIII realignment of the junction of the R157 Regional Road and Moygaddy Road; inclusive of works to the Moygaddy Gate entrance to the demesne.
  4. A Design Statement outlining the evolution of the design process for the proposed development. An emphasis on exemplar sustainable design and aesthetic quality shall be required.
  5. Mobility Management Plan for the development. This Plan shall be to the fore in establishing the agreed quantum of employees which can be accommodated within individual locations predicated on maximising public transport opportunities and the use of innovation in reducing associated carbon footprint.
  6. Urban design and landscape design statement.

Any development within the subject lands shall be subject to compliance with the requirements of the Habitats Directive.


To facilitate the development of appropriately designed student accommodation to  allow Maynooth University to continue to develop as a national and international centre for education and research.


To support and facilitate in conjunction with Kildare County Council and private developers and landowners, the construction of the Maynooth Outer Orbital Route.


To require that the Maynooth Outer Orbital Route  connects with the MOOR being delivered in the administrative area of Kildare County Council. Said route shall incorporate the construction of a sewer and ring main linking the sewer and trunk main in the Dublin Road to the residential development in the Mariavilla area.


To ensure the provision of improved cycle and walking connections to Maynooth Town Centre.


To upgrade the R157 between Kildare Bridge and Offaly Bridge.


To require the implementation of cycle lanes and associated cycle infrastructure upgrades as identified within the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, in the area in partnership with the National Transport Authority and other relevant stakeholders.


To ensure that all development proposals provide for a permeable network that promotes direct linkage and encourages the use of alternative modes of transport and contributes   to enhanced linkages to the train station.


To require that any development in the Maynooth Environs respects the built and natural heritage of the area, its landscape quality, protected structures, historic demesne, archaeological heritage, natural heritage and general landscape character.


To ensure all development in the area has no negative impact on the Rye Water Valley/Carton SAC site or on the environmental characteristics of the area including woodland, rivers and tributaries.


To encourage the sympathetic re-use or rehabilitation of Moygaddy House and outbuildings and encourage their sensitive conversion to residential or tourist accommodation or other appropriate use in accordance with the land use objective applicable to the said lands.


To facilitate the provision of community facilities including a hospital and/or associated educational/research and residenial facilities.


To promote a high standard of architectural design, and quality of materials utilised throughout the Development Framework area, that is appropriate in scale, and form to its location.

  • 1 - Exclusive of student accommodation
  • 2 - Half of this population allocation (500 persons) is taken from the MASP allocation. This is provided for in section 5.7 of the Dublin MASP ‘Housing Delivery’. This is a preliminary figure, with the final figure to be agreed with the MASP Implementation Group. At the time of writing the MASP Implementation Group had not been established.
  • 3 - 2016 POWSCAR data
  • 4 - Refer to Chapter 11 for requirements regarding Mobility Management Plans



Submission from Michael and Rosemary McCarthy re: proposed development at Moygaddy, Maynooth, Co. Meath [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Michael and Rosemary McCarthy re: proposed development at Moygaddy, Maynooth, Co. Meath [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Kilcoon Environmental Action Association [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Kilcoon Environmental Action Association [by post 5-3-20]
Submission from Kildare County Council
Please see attached submission which refers to Maynooth and Kilcock.
Maynooth Environs
Submission in relation Draft Meath County Development Plan 2020-2026 (Maynooth Environs) March 5th, 2020 1. Introduction We live approximately 200m north of the proposed road border of the...
Folio 15484 for Consideration for Rezoning to Residential Development
Proposals for the development of this site subject to rezoning would be in consideration of the following; *Provision of on-site waste water treatment plant and associated percolation / reed bed...