
Dúnta18 Nol, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Már, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Introduction

This written statement provides a brief description and development strategy for Enfield. A detailed Local Area Plan for the town will be prepared during the life of this Plan.

Enfield’s position in the settlement hierarchy arises from its multi-modal status, proximate to the M4 knowledge corridor on the Dublin-Sligo rail line. The potential of the settlement was highlighted by the Council as part of Variation No 3 of the County Development Plan 2013-2019. This position was accepted by the Department of Housing and Planning and therefore it is considered reasonable to continue to advance the future status of the settlement.

2.0 Town Context/Character

Located within the ‘Trim’ Municipal District, Enfield is positioned on the southern boundary of the County adjacent to the M4 Motorway route that extends between Dublin and Galway. The town has developed compactly along both northern and southern sides of the Regional Road R148 (formally the N4 national route). The town benefits from a southern local bypass of the main urban area (Enfield Outer Relief Road) provided originally to relieve the town centre of strategic through- traffic prior to the motorway construction.

Enfield currently functions as a commuter town with settlement growth influenced by its proximity and accessibility to Dublin City with strategic road and rail commuter connections to the Capital and the northwest as part of the national Dublin-Sligo rail line. Given the strategic location of Enfield proximate to the M4 knowledge corridor, there is a significant opportunity for economic and commercial development growth in the town.

Position in Settlement Hierarchy

Self-Sustaining Growth Town

2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Housing stock 2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation

474 units

This includes 135 extant units not built at the time of writing.

Population Projection 2026


Resident Workers 2016


Job – Workforce Ratio 2016


Recommended density of future developments

35 units/ha

Education Facilities         

5 Schools, various childcare facilities

Community Facilities


Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)


Protected Structures


Zone of Archaeological Potential

There are five zones of Archaeological Potential within the village.

Natura 2000 Sites

The nearest Natura 2000 site is the River Boyne & River Blackwater SPA and SAC which is located approximately 9.2km to the north west. 

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Given the indicative pluvial/surface water flood risk highlighted by the PFRA, any proposed development within Enfield should consider the appropriate management of surface water.  

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

The water supply has limited capacity and is sourced from Enfield Water Supply Schemes (Boreholes and Water Treatment Plant).

Enfield WWTP has limited capacity. This plant also serves Johnstown Bridge in Kildare and M4 Service Stations.

3.0 Vision

To support the sustainable consolidation of this multi-modal settlement with a balance of residential and employment development supported by its strategic location on the M4 Corridor and the availability of highly accessible lands suitable for employment and enterprise, whilst pursing a continued pattern of development that respects the inherent characteristics of the natural and  built environment.

4.0 Opportunities

  • Existing rail connections to Dublin City and other employment centres such as Kilcock and Maynooth.
  • Location on the M4 Knowledge corridor and the potential to develop synergies based on proximity to Maynooth University.
  • Designation of Strategic Employment site to deliver significant employment including FDI.
  • Improved town centre environment with the creation of improved amenities.
  • Consolidation of new development between the town Outer Relief Road to the south, and the rail/canal corridor to the north.
  • Encourage access to, and sustainable use of the Royal Canal waterway for local economic, recreational and amenity benefit.
  • Commitment by Department of Education and Skills to construct a secondary school in the town to address the needs generated by a growing population.

5.0 Land Use Strategy

5.1 Settlement and Housing

The population of Enfield increased significantly during the last inter census period, from 2,929 persons in 2011 to 3,239 persons in 2016. This 10.6% increase was the largest increase to occur across the ‘Small Towns’ and is well above the 3.8% national average growth. Some 44% of the town’s population make up the labour force, of which, 66% are in employment, a figure higher than the County average. ‘Commerce and trade’ and ‘professional services’ are the primary employment sectors accounting for 46% of those employed. 37.2% of the workforce living in Enfield (530 persons) commute to Dublin City and suburbs, with an average journey time of 55 minutes. The majority of commuting is undertaken by private car (71%), with 20% by bus and only 5% by train. This lack of usage of existing rail infrastructure is a matter which will be addressed in greater detail in the Local Area Plan.

The Core Strategy (Table 2.11) of the County Development Plan provides a housing allocation of 474 units to Enfield over the 2019 – 2028 period. A Strategic Housing Development has been approved for 133 units by An Bord Pleanála in August 2019. The development framework in this Plan seeks to continue a pattern of consolidation of settlement development generally within the limits of the Outer-Relief Road, and the Royal Canal. The overall residential land supply does not include residential infill or redevelopment opportunities or, the opportunity to provide for residential development ancillary to town centre uses. Therefore, in addition to the residential zoning, there are still other locational opportunities that have potential to offer additional residential supply and tenure choice. The Planning Authority is therefore satisfied that sufficient lands have been identified to accommodate the household allocation of 474 no. units. The Council shall place emphasis on the delivery of high quality connected residential neighbourhoods that demonstrate variation in  dwelling design; in treatment, arrangement and functionality of the new urban and green spaces throughout developments.

5.2 Economy and Employment

Enfield is identified as a Level 3 retail centre in the County Retail hierarchy. Its function is to act as a retail services centre and to deliver a range of convenience and comparison retail facilities adequate to serve the everyday needs of the catchment population including its hinterland.

In terms of enterprise and employment the ‘Enfield Business Park’ situated on the Trim Road (Regional Road R159) has capacity for further development/use with only a quarter of the business park developed to date.

The Council has identified a large site on the eastern edge of the town, suitable for strategic employment development and use as a data centre or other use compatible with the E1/E3 zoning objective, based on the strategic position of the town, and the proximity of the site to the national fibre network optic cable and power networks. This site is designated as one of the  Council’s strategic employment sites, refer to Chapter 4 Economy and Employment for further information.

This plan seeks to promote Enfield as a dynamic location which can facilitate diversity in enterprise and employment development and investment opportunities. Enfield benefits from direct access to the Royal Canal and inland waterway system. The completion of the Royal Canal Greenway in 2019 will improve the tourism profile of Enfield, increasing visitor numbers to the town centre as well as providing an invaluable recreation resource for the town. Strengthening the connection from Main Street to the Royal Canal corridor including upgrading of footpaths and directional/interpretative signage would increase footfall within the town.

5.3 Water Services Infrastructure

Water: Water supply for the town is provided by the Enfield Water Supply Scheme, comprising boreholes and a water treatment plant. Capacity of this water infrastructure is currently limited. However, the Council is working with Irish Water to endeavour to provide the additional capacity required to facilitate the development and growth provided for in this 2020-2026 CDP. There are localized network constraints.

Wastewater: Enfield, along with Johnstown Bridge, Co. Kildare is served by the Enfield Wastewater Treatment plant which was commissioned in 2001. Currently there is limited spare capacity at this treatment plant. However, the Council is working with Irish Water to endeavour to deliver the additional capacity required to facilitate the development and growth provided for in this 2020-2026 CDP.

5.4 Movement

The existence of the town’s Outer Relief Road will continue to benefit physical, social and economic development of the town, despite the presence of the M4 Motorway. The main street, provides a demarcated cycle lane along both sides of the carriageway. Connectivity through existing developed areas and residential neighbourhoods is however limited, with pedestrian (and cycle) movements directed to the main local and arterial routes. New developments will be required to provide for and demonstrate, more direct pedestrian and cyclist access with new and planned development areas, and with the town centre where appropriate.

In terms of the rail service currently, three commuter rail services1link Enfield with Dublin (Connolly Station) weekdays before 9am with two return services leaving Dublin after 5.30pm. This commuter service offers stops at other urban and employment centres on route, including Maynooth and Kilcock. It is intended that this service will be upgraded to a DART service as outlined in the National Development Plan 2018-2027.

The train station is situated at the northern extremity of the Main Street (Dublin Road) with footpaths and cycle paths connecting it to the town centre. The station includes paid parking and there is an opportunity (by way of residual land adjacent to the rail line) to increase this in parallel to demand. Despite the public transport options and accessibility of the train station, the census of population indicates a continued pattern of private transport options.

The Council will therefore support efforts by Irish Rail and Bus operators to enhance commuter routes and to facilitate improved parking provision adjacent to the train station to enhance rail use.

The Bus Eireann Mullingar-Dublin route (115/115A route) provides similar morning and evening service frequency which include multiple stops in Dublin between and including Heuston and Connolly Stations, and the Quays. In addition, private operated bus services, and local bus services also connect Enfield with Dublin City Centre and with Edenderry (Co. Offaly) approximately 16km to the south west.

6.0 Cultural and Natural Heritage

Enfield contains a number of features of built and archaeological heritage. The section of the Royal Canal that traverses the town, forms part of a proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA) ‘Royal Canal pNHA’ (site code 002103)2 – a designation which seeks conservation of plants, animals and wildlife habitats of Irish importance. In addition to the ecological value, this section of the Royal Canal and  its trails, provide local amenity value to the resident population, and contributes to Enfield’s distinct sense of place.

7.0 Green Infrastructure

This plan seeks to identify opportunities within both the existing developed settlement, and within the new development areas, for enhanced access and movement through the town through a number of design and development interventions where the intention is to create ‘green corridors’.

Development along the southern extremity of the town (along the inside of the outer relief road) will be required to deliver a section of linear amenity green route, through the site frontage from one side to the other and which facilitates connection with similar development of adjacent plots.

The Royal Canal Greenway which is identified as a project for funding under the National Development Plan 2018-20273 is underway and is planned to extend from Dublin and Galway as part of the ‘Eurovelo Capitals Route’ extending from Moscow in the East to Galway in the west. It presents an opportunity to provide green linkages between the town and the wider landscape

8.0 Social Infrastructure

Enfield has a diverse community structure with a number of community, social, sporting, and educational orientated organisations including; a Tidy Towns Committee, a musical society, youth club, cycling, football, athletics and GAA clubs. Collectively, these organisations provide valuable facilities to a broad spectrum of the population.

In 2015, a new public playground was constructed to the rear (north) of ‘Hannon’s Supervalu’ store (situated centrally within the town), with access from the Dublin road via the supermarket car park.

This Plan has designated an area between the Johnstown Road and the railway line (to the rear of the Glenidan Court / Johns Town Way residential estates) for the future development of a town  park. This area, which extends to over 9 hectares includes a centrally positioned ‘ringfort’ that is a recorded archaeological monument.

A nursing home has been permitted on lands to the east of the town centre, work has not commenced to date and permission is due to expire in 2022. There is sufficient remaining land at  this location to accommodate the proposed post-primary secondary school.

The Council has secured funding from the Rural Regeneration Development Fund to purchase and redevelop a vacant building and site, currently owned by the Office of Public Works (OPW) into a  new Community Centre and Park and Ride-facility. The Enfield Development Group and the Council are exploring arrangements which would facilitate a collaborative partnership to manage and run  the facility.

9.0 Urban Design and Public Realm

The future commercial development of the town centre (whilst cognisant of the requirements to protect and conserve buildings of conservation value) will seek to encourage and support the redevelopment of plots within the town centre and to specifically encourage greater utilisation of ‘backlands’ for appropriate town centre uses as part of a coherent approach with adjacent properties, or to facilitate development at a future stage.

In promoting the concept of quality neighbourhood design, this Plan shall require all new developments to place particular emphasis on creating quality and diversity in architectural design, layout and provision of open spaces in new residential areas; creation of clear hierarchy of internal estate roads and urban spaces; permeability through the scheme; and, direct and convenient connectivity with adjacent developments, the town centre and community facilities.

10.0 Town Development Objectives

The objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan.


It is the policy of the Council:


To support the sustainable consolidation of this multi-modal settlement with a balance of residential and employment development supported by its strategic location on the M4 Corridor and the availability of highly accessible lands suitable for employment and enterprise.


It is an objective of the Council:


To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in  so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Enfield as set out in Table 2.11 of  the Core Strategy is not exceeded.


To encourage the re-development of backland infill sites within the town that include residential uses.

ENF OBJ 3 (Master Plan 1)

To facilitate the location of emerging employment sectors including (but not limited to) industrial, Engineering, ICT, Science, Data Analytics, Data Centre and Business and Financial Service, and other Foreign Direct Investment on the strategic employment site to the east of the town.

It is an objective of the Planning Authority to require the submission of a Master Plan for the prior written agreement of the Executive of the Planning Authority with any application for development within these lands. Access into these lands shall be agreed as part of the Master Plan.


To promote, encourage and facilitate economic development and diversification  of Enfield and to support the development of the Royal Canal Greenway and the potential spin off enterprises generated from this facility.


To encourage the redevelopment of town centre backlands to the rear of the Main Street in a coherent manner consistent with the development objectives set out in Section 4.8 of this Plan that facilitates expansion of town centre between adjacent sites, and accommodated enhanced  retail and commercial services, with opportunity for ancillary residential uses directed to the upper floors.


To liaise with and support Irish Water in the provision of adequate water services to meet the development needs of the town within the Plan period.


To ensure that proposals for new residential and town centre developments, including specific measures to facilitate permeability and connectivity through new development layout arrangements that provide and contribute to accessibility between developments and between neighbourhoods.


To continue to support and facilitate the extension of the footpath and cycle path improvement works within the town.


To support and encourage Irish Rail, Bus operators and other relevant stakeholders to enhance commuter routes and to facilitate improved parking provision adjacent to the train station to enhance rail use.


To continue to support the development of the Royal Canal Greenway and associated infrastructure at Enfield including strengthening connectivity from the main street to the Royal Canal.


To conserve the integrity and setting and, where possible, incorporate recorded monuments of significant archaeological merit within new development areas where it can be preserved within formal or informal amenity areas.


To promote new development and/or uses for passive or active recreational uses within the town that is linked to the use of and accessibility of the Royal Canal Greenway. Development shall be designed in a sustainable manner that does not compromise or impact adversely on the ecological and/or historic value of this section of the Royal Canal, or the integrity of its terrestrial or aquatic structure for which supports its pNHA amenity designation.


Proposals for new residential development shall include detailed design measures to ensure that general layout arrangements, landscaping and open space provision is to facilitate connectivity with existing and new development areas.


To retain the character and amenity value of the mature copse of trees along the roadside edge of Johnstown Road. Any new access from the Johnstown road into the residential lands at this location shall; demonstrate a layout arrangement that provides for minimal loss and disturbance of the existing copse arrangement, and, that incorporates it as part of the  overall amenity provision of the development layout.  Any unavoidable loss of trees to provide for the  access to this development site shall include as part of the development proposal, a replacement planting plan that provides like-for-like in terms of specie type and numbers, with mature saplings as part of an overall landscaping proposal.


To reserve lands to the rear of Johnstown Way and the rail line for the development of a Public Park.


To seek to develop a new Community Centre and Park and Ride-facility in the former OPW building on the Main street.


To reserve lands to the east of the town centre identified as G1 Community Facilities for the development of a Secondary School.


To seek improvements to the town centre public realm through the implementation of quality design and finishes and coherence in building heights in development proposals.


To seek high quality design for all new proposals for, signage, parking arrangements and street furniture.

  • 1 - Average of one-hour journey time
  • 2 - Designated under the Natural Habitats Regulations (S.I. No. 94 of 1997).
  • 3 -  Page 52 National Development Plan 2018-2027

Clár ábhair


Submission from Mr. William Carey [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Mr. William Carey [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Declan Clabby & Associates on behalf of Michael Daly, Ann Daly & John Daly re: Lands at Possextown, Enfield, Co. Meath [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Declan Clabby & Associates on behalf of Michael Daly, Ann Daly & John Daly re: Lands at Possextown, Enfield, Co. Meath [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Declan Clabby & Associates on behalf of Michael Daly re: Lands at Possextown and Johnstown, Enfield, Co. Meath [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Declan Clabby & Associates on behalf of Michael Daly re: Lands at Possextown and Johnstown, Enfield, Co. Meath [by post 6-3-20]
Enfield GAA / zoning
To reinstate the residential zoning to the lands adjoining the ring road in Enfield which are at an advance planning stage. The development of these lands will provide much needed housing for...
Submission on behalf of Delmere Residents Association
Submission on behalf of Delmere Residents Association