
Dúnta18 Nol, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Már, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Village Context/Character

Longwood is a medium sized rural village located in south east County Meath.  The River Boyne flows approximately 2km west of Longwood and the Enfield/Kildare River Blackwater flows to the east of the development boundary.  The amenity and heritage qualities of Longwood are largely derived from the quality of the central area of the Village.  Longwood evolved as a market town and serves a broadly rural hinterland.  The historic main street is orientated roughly east-west with a large triangular shaped village green to the western end and a graveyard to the eastern end.  Whilst the Village provides for a moderate level of facilities and services, there are a substantial number of vacant units and run-down buildings which detract from the environment of the village.

Position in Settlement Hierarchy


2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Housing stock 2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation
2020-2026 1

104 units

Population Projection 2026


Education Facilities

St. Nicholas Primary School; Colaiste Clavin; and a Montessori.

Community Facilities


Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)

Longwood Architectural Conservation Area

Protected Structures


Zone of Archaeological Potential


Natura 2000 Sites

The nearest Natura 2000 site is the River Boyne & River Blackwater SPA and SAC which is located approximately 1.36km to the west.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Flood Zones A and /or B encroach on lands to the south of the settlement on existing developed lands.  Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure.    

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

Longwood Water Treatment Plant-Capacity Available.
Longwood Wastewater Treatment Plant-Limited Capacity Available.

2.0 Vision

The vision for the development of Longwood over the lifetime of the Development Plan is to consolidate and strengthen the village core through public realm improvement works, increase connectivity within the village, and prioritise infill and backland development and the re-use of underutilised  buildings.  The conservation and enhancement of the village’s built and natural environment is also recognised as being of significant importance to the future sustainable development of the village.

3.0 Opportunities

Longwood has notable amenity and heritage qualities, and the central village core has urban design qualities with potential to be further enhanced through public realm improvement works.  The village has a range of services but sustainable connections between these (e.g. walking and cycling) and residential areas could be improved. Wastewater treatment requires investment to facilitate residential development.  Longwood is well provided for in terms of community facilities and services which are predominantly to the eastern side of the village and there remains scope to improve connections between these and residential areas surrounding the village. 

Longwood is 2km east of the Boyne Aqueduct at the junction with the Royal Canal.  At its closest, the Royal Canal is approximately 720 metres from the development boundary of the village.  There is potential to enhance recreational and tourism links between the two. 

4.0 Land Use Strategy

The land use strategy for Longwood aims to maintain and add to a built environment that is both attractive and distinctive, to create a unique sense of place for those who both live and work within, as well as those whose visit, the village. This will be achieved through the sensitive treatment of infill development and the conservation of important or key buildings particularly within the Architectural Conservation Area at the village core. . The provision of a compact and vibrant village centre is essential if Longwood is to cater for its current and future population needs in a manner that is sustainable.

4.1 Settlement and Housing

Longwood experienced a seven-fold population increase between 1996-2011 (from 186 to 1,378 persons) and this placed significant pressure on physical and social infrastructure.  Incremental and natural growth is to be facilitated over the period of this Development Plan.  Having regard to the housing allocation for the village in the Core Strategy (121 residential units) and the availability of infill and backland sites  there is adequate land zoned in Longwood to cater for the future housing needs of the village over the lifetime  of the Development Plan. 

4.2 Economy and Employment

The village provides for an adequate range of retail / commercial services broadly commensurate with its level 4 position in the County retail hierarchy.  These include a pharmacy (just outside the village), funeral directors, a take-away, two hair salons, post office, convenience shop,  bookmakers, two pubs, credit union, antiques shop, and a hardware store.  There is notable vacancy in the village with many buildings in a run-down / under-utilised condition.  There remains scope for further retail/commercial growth should need /demand arises and underutilsed units and backland sites in the village core provide an opportunity to realise this. The proposed land use strategy also seeks to retain and extend the commercial core of the village with an area identified for expansion on the Enfield Road opposite the former secondary school site. There is therefore sufficient land designated for village centre uses.

4.3 Water Services Infrastructure

The village is currently served by the following water services infrastructure:

Water: The village is served by the Longwood Water Treatment Plant. There is considered to be sufficient spare capacity to facilitate the development and growth provided for in this County Development Plan.

Wastewater: The Longwood Wastewater Treatment Plant has limited spare capacity. All development proposals shall be considered in the context of the available capacity.

4.4 Movement

Whilst several roads converge in the village core, permeability away from these roads requires improvement.  There is significant potential to develop cycling/walking routes off the main roads to improve linkages between the community/educational uses and open spaces.

In terms of public transport, the development of public transport bus links is critical to ensure a better modal split in favour of public transport away from the private motor vehicle. It is noted that the 115/115A Dublin to Mullingar Bus Eireann route stops at Longwood. The provision of a scheduled bus service from Longwood to the railway station in Enfield  approximately 9km to the south east would be beneficial. Furthermore, it is essential that a village the size of Longwood maintains good transportation links to surrounding urban areas, such as Trim, in order to attract future population and potential business opportunities.

4.5 Cultural and Natural Heritage

The continued protection of the built heritage of Longwood is important to the success and viability of the village itself.  The central core of the village isdesignated as an Architectural Conservation Area.  There are also a number of buildings in the village included in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS)with the former Garda station and Roman Catholic Church most notable.

The village does not contain any Natura 2000 sites. The nearest sites are the River Boyne and River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation (Site Code: 002299) and the River Boyne and River Blackwater Special Protection Area (Site Code: 004232)  which are approximately 2km away to the north-west.

A Community Biodiversity Action Plan was prepared for the village by the Council in collaboration with the local community. The aim of the Plan is to raise awareness of biodiversity and to empower the local community to undertake actions for the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in their local area.

There are also tree stands in the village which are considered worthy of protection.

4.6 Green Infrastructure

The village benefits from several structural/landscaped open space areas of high quality: the Fair Green, the large green space laid out in front of the graveyard, the open space and trees within Pine Grove, and the linear open space running south of Brackinrainey Manor adjacent to the stream.   The existing open spaces have the potential to provide a framework for the development of a green movement network in the village.

4.7 Social Infrastructure

The village benefits from two new school campuses; St. Nicholas Primary School and Colaiste Clavin Secondary School.  Within the village there is a, post office and a community centre.  There is a soccer pitch and GAA grounds located   to the west of the village represents a substantial area of recreational open space.  The development of a playground would be beneficial to improve the social infrastructure of the village, in tandem with improving cycling/walking connections. 

The former school site could potentially cater for additional social infrastructure needs should demand arise.  The Council is satisfied that sufficient lands have been reserved for social/community infrastructure to accommodate both existing and future populations over the lifetime of the Development Plan. 

The Longwood Renaissance Community Plan is also acknowledged as setting out the community’s aspirations for the village. 

4.8 Urban Design and Public Realm

The village has a wide main street and this acts as a natural focal point, with the Fair Green located just beyond this.  The village core is well defined and retains a rural village character.  The village Architectural Conservation Area reflect this.  Many buildings display traditional design features and materials.  It would be desirable to see the public realm and streetscape improved to enhance the village character, reduce the actual/perceived dominance of roads and vehicles and improved village aesthetics. 

5.0 Town/Village Development Policies and Objectives

The Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan.


It is the policy of the Council:

Settlement and Housing


To promote the future sustainable development of Longwood as a compact settlement with a pedestrian friendly environment and variety of land uses and amenities while protecting its built and natural heritage and catering for the needs of all sections of the local community to ensure that the village develops in a sustainable manner, as an attractive place to live, work, recreate and visit.


It is an objective of the Council:

Settlement and Housing


To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Longwood as set out in Table 2.11 of the Core Strategy is not exceeded.


To support and encourage residential development on under-utilised land and/or vacant lands including ‘infill’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, subject to a high standard of design and layout being achieved.

Economy and Employment


To promote enterprise creation opportunities and encourage job/creation initiatives in line with the sustainable growth of Longwood and on appropriately zoned and serviced land.


p To prioritise infill and backland development to meet the commercial needs of the village over the lifetime of the Development Plan.


To consolidate the central area of the village for commercial uses.


To facilitate the provision of an Enterprise Centre or similar facility in Longwood.



To liaise with and support Irish Water to endeavour to provide adequate water services to meet the development needs of the village within the Plan period.


To manage flood risk and development in line with the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. (see Volume 5 Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment).



To seek to facilitate the provision of a pedestrian crossing outside St. Mary’s RC Church.


To seek to facilitate the provision of a sheltered bus stop within the village in conjunction with relevant stakeholders.


To seek to improve the junction in the main road through Longwood.


To seek to facilitate a pedestrian/cycle path along the stream running to the south of Brackinrainey Manor, and along Ribbontail lane linking the village and the Royal Canal.


To implement appropriate traffic management and environmental improvement measures throughout the village.

Cultural and Natural Heritage


To require that all development proposals within or contiguous to the Architectural Conservation Area be sympathetic to the character of the area, that the design is appropriate in terms of height, scale, plot density, layout, materials and finishes and is appropriated sited and designed in accordance with advice given in  Longwood Architectural Conservation Area Character Statement.


To protect existing wildlife corridors including watercourses, wetlands, trees and hedgerows and promote new corridors alongside new pedestrian / cycle paths.


To facilitate and support the implementation of the Longwood Community Biodiversity Action Plan 2016-2020 and any revisions thereof.


To promote connections, through signage and road improvement works, from the village along Ribbontail Way to the Royal Canal.


To promote the preservation of individual trees or groups of trees as identified on the land use zoning map including those to the north of Fair Green and those within Pine Grove and to manage these trees in line with arboricultural best practice


To facilitate works complimentary to Fair Green such as picnic benches, vehicle parking bays, bicycle stands, and pathways through / alongside the Green.



To protect existing community facilities/infrastructure where appropriate and support their further development and expansion if required.


 To support the provision of a community park/playground.


To promote the redevelopment of the former St. Fintina’s school site and adjoining lands with particular emphasis on connectivity, and reinforcing the village centre.


To facilitate and support the implementation of Longwood Renaissance Community Plan and other community led projects to generally enhance the village whilst ensuring that the projects which emanate from same are consistent with the development objectives contained in this Written Statement for the village.

Urban Design and Public Realm


To consolidate the village core and increase the intensity of development within it, particularly on backland sites, subject to development management requirements.


To facilitate public realm improvement works to the village core focusing on traffic-calming to achieve better balance between the needs of the pedestrian / cyclist / public transport and those of the private car. Measures may include “greening” of the village with native trees, build-out of footpaths, introducing angled parking, pedestrian crossing(s) to define the street, improved public lighting, and use of textured surfacing.


To enhance landmark/focal points in Longwood by redeveloping neglected sites and obsolete areas.


To encourage the maintenance of original shop fronts and pub fronts, or the reinstatement of traditional shop fronts where poor replacements have been installed.

  • 1 - The unbuilt extant units have been included in this allocation

Clár ábhair


Submission from AKM Design on behalf of Eurovale Engineering re: lands in Longwood, Co. Meath [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from AKM Design on behalf of Eurovale Engineering re: lands in Longwood, Co. Meath [by post 6-3-20]
Submission from Eamonn Byrne Landscape Architects Ltd (EBLA) on behalf of Saltarello Limited re: lands at Enfield Road, Longwood, Co. Meath [by post 3-3-20]
Submission from Eamonn Byrne Landscape Architects Ltd (EBLA) on behalf of Saltarello Limited re: lands at Enfield Road, Longwood, Co. Meath [by post 3-3-20]
Ultan Dixon Longwood, see attached letter and Maps
See Attached letter and Map
Zoning submission for lands in Longwood.
See enclosed submission.
Meath County Council facilitate a playground for Longwood village to promote social and a healthy lifestyle for the young in the village.