
Dúnta18 Nol, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Már, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Village Context/Character

Kentstown is located circa 12km south of Slane, 11km east of Navan and 18km north of Ashbourne at the intersection of the R150 and the R153, which cross each other diagonally. Development has taken place in a linear fashion along its approach roads. The village is characterised by picturesque views of the surrounding rolling landscape, the core of the village is well presented within a pleasant and pedestrian friendly environment.

Recent development in Kentstown has been primarily residential in nature with limited corresponding services for the nearby population with the exception of a public house and a small convenience shop.

Position in Settlement Hierarchy


2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Housing stock 2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation

70 units

Population Projection 2026


Education Facilities

Kentstown Primary School (to north east of settlement)

Community Facilities


Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)


Protected Structures

St Mary's Roman Catholic Church;

Detached House; and,

St Mary's Church of Ireland Church

Zone of Archaeological Potential

Yes, National Monument Services Zone of Archaeological Notification located to the east of the village at St Mary's Church of Ireland Church.

Natura 2000 Sites

The nearest Natura 2000 site is the River Boyne & River Blackwater SPA and SAC which is located approximately 7.5km to the north.  

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure.  

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

Water: limited capacity

Waste Water: limited capacity

2.0 Vision

To consolidate and strengthen the commercial and residential village centre of Kentstown, and encourage development which will contribute and strengthen the character and structure of the village core. Also, to enhance the quality of the Village’s built and natural environment while catering for the needs of the local community and to ensure that the village develops in a sustainable manner, as an attractive village in which to live, work, recreate and visit.

3.0 Opportunities

  • Overall the village has developed in a linear and dispersed manner. The development of infill/brownfield sites within the village centre presents an opportunity to reinforce a more compact development pattern and provide the facilities for the continued growth and expansion of the town.
  • Village presentation with high quality signage, public art and consistent lighting standards  within the village core and  on village approaches  would  contribute to the sense of place and create a village feel and unique identity
  • Balrath Woods located approximately 2.2km to the southeast of the village is an important recreational amenity for the village.

4.0 Land Use Strategy

The land use strategy for Kentstown aims to maintain and consolidate the built environment of the village that is attractive and distinctive, to create a unique sense of place for those who both live and work within the village as well as those whose visit, Kentstown. This will be achieved through appropriate development to provide a compact village centre to cater for its current and future population needs in a manner that is sustainable.

4.1 Settlement and Housing

The settlement has developed in a linear fashion along the approach roads which converge at the crossroads junction rather than in a concentrated manner, around a defined village core. The majority of recent developments have also been along the approach roads leading to the village centre and consist of one off houses exacerbating ribbon style development or suburban style residential developments. Permission for 38 units has been recently granted planning permission on residentially zoned lands to the north of the village under AA170888, but to date development has not commencedat time of writing (November 2019).  This would assist in the consolidation of development around the village core.

The capacity to accommodate multi house residential development is low because of its limited service capacity, however appropriate residential development forms could readily integrate with the existing built form and natural environment though use of appropriate dwelling typologies that are informed by the vernacular, and appropriate siting and landscaping. 

4.2 Economy and Employment

Kentstown is identified as a level 5 retail centre in the County Retail Hierarchy. Kentstown has a limited range of retail and business services, primarily one local convenience ground floor shop with beauty salon and physical therapist clinic at first floor level and one public house. The proximity of Kentstown to Navan and other larger centres has resulted in the availability of small scale facilities in the village. Kentstown has potential for the development of additional commercial development to further expand upon the potential that the village offers.  A number of sites have been identified adjacent to the village crossroads which could accommodate village centre facilities and uses. Development of these areas would assist in consolidating the heart of the village.

4.3 Infrastructure

Kentstown is served by the following water services infrastructure:

Water: Kentstown is served by the East Meath Water Supply Scheme. It is on the periphery of this scheme and hence due to network constraints, spare capacity is limited.

Wastewater: Kentstown Wastewater Treatment Plant has limited spare capacity and is a constraint to further significant development. Currently there are no Irish Water proposals to provide additional capacity.

4.4 Movemen

Kentstown has developed around a busy road junction with significant traffic volumes travelling to and from the N2 National Primary Route to the east on a daily basis. The junction of the R150 and R153 has been upgraded to provide for a more pedestrian friendly arrangement. The environmental improvements completed in the village including the construction of traffic calming measures, pedestrian crossings, augmenting village footpaths, improved markings for pedestrian and motorised traffic have all resulted in the creation of an improved and safer pleasant village environment. It will be an objective of this plan to provide additional traffic calming measures in the village as deemed appropriate. Kentstown is currently served by a public transport service consisting of the 188 route which links the village to Navan and Drogheda and the 107 route which links Kingscourt to UCD, Belfield via Navan and Ashbourne. While bus stops are situated in the village, the residents would benefit from a bus shelter.

4.5 Cultural and Natural Heritage

Kentstown contains several natural and built features worthy of protection. These features include those contained on the Record of Protected Structures (and set out above) and those identified in the Meath County Landscape Character Assessment. A number of sites of archaeological interest within the village core have been identified on the Record of Monuments and Places.

There may also be undiscovered archaeology within the village which will need to be provided for in the course of development.

4.6 Green Infrastructure

The River Nanny runs along the village's southern development boundary where the topography of the landscape undulates such that the river is not instantly visible or accessible from the village. The development which has occurred in Kentstown has not encroached on the river corridor thus ensuring the protection and enhancement of the River Nanny corridor and the natural habitats contained therein. The development of a linear amenity walkway along the Nanny could function as an excellent amenity for the village. It will be an objective of this plan to investigate the potential for a linear walk having regard to the topography of the land at this location.

In Kentstown there are a number of attractive mature trees, both broadleaved copses and rows of pines that contribute much to the natural heritage and character of the area. These are primarily located within the church grounds of both St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church (or Church of Assumption) in the village centre and in the grounds of St. Mary’s Church of Ireland on the Sommerville Road. Retaining and protecting these trees is important and will be provided for in this plan.

4.7 Social Infrastructure

There is one primary school located adjacent to the village development boundary along the R150 to the north east of the village. There is capacity at the existing site to accommodate any future expansion of the primary school.

There is an extant planning permission for the development of community sports facilities on a 10 acre site to the rear of St Mary’s Catholic Church. The development will provide for a full sized grass playing pitch, an all weather flood lit playing pitch, tennis courts, bicycle, coach and car parking facilities, a playground and changing room facilities.  At the time of writing, this community facility was under construction.

4.8 Urban Design and Public Realm

This Plan aims to promote the development of a high quality, well designed, well landscaped and appropriately scaled environment that is in keeping with the character, amenity, environment, heritage and landscape of the village. The design of new development should be responsive to its contextual surroundings and interact appropriately between settlement and landscape always aiming to enrich the existing qualities of the village. High quality design and layout, and appropriate use of materials a will be essential to ensure that new development contributes positively to Kentstown and help to create an attractive and sustainable settlement.

The Village core retains a rural / low density village character although the peripheries of the village are of a more suburban character.  It would be desirable to see the public realm and streetscape improved to enhance the village core character, and improve the village aesthetics. The Council will encourage and promote well designed and highly considered architectural solutions to any appropriate development proposals within the village centre in order to enhance both the aesthetics and appearance of the village and enhance the character of the area.

5.0 Town/Village Development Objectives

The Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the Plan. To avoid repetition, Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards set out within Volume One of the Plan.


It is the policy of the Council:


To consolidate and strengthen the commercial and residential village centre of Kentstown, and encourage development which will enhance the quality of the public realm, the character and structure of the village core and existing streetscape, to engage and connect with the open spaces and the wider landscape, while catering for the needs of all within the local community and to provide for development that will allow the village to develop in a sustainable manner, as an attractive place to live, work, recreate and visit.


It is an objective of the Council:

Settlement and Housing


To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Kentstown as set out in Table 2.11 of the Core Strategy are not exceeded.


To support and encourage residential development on under-utilised land and/or vacant lands including ‘infill’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, subject to a high standard of design and layout being achieved which respects the scale, massing and character of the historic village.


To encourage the refurbishment of existing derelict dwellings in the village core, and reuse of derelict structures along the Navan Road.

Economy and Employment


To support the creation of an identity for Kentstown that reflects its rich cultural heritage and to connect with a potential tourist trail that could link Kentstown to other towns and villages in the area.


To protect and enhance village core and promote consolidation of the commercial core around the village centre, and reuse of vacant sites and derelict underused buildings for residential, commercial or community uses.



To liaise, work with and support Irish Water to endeavour to provide adequate water services to meet the development needs of the Village within the Plan period.


To manage flood risk and development in line with the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. (Volume 5 Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment). 



To seek to provide bus shelters in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders. Cultural and Natural Heritage


To seek to provide bus shelters in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders.


To protect and maintain the trees identified for preservation on the Land Use Zoning Map and located in the grounds of St. Mary’s R.C. Church (also known as the Churct of the Assumption) and St. Mary’s Church of Ireland.


To protect the special character and setting of St. Mary’s Church of Ireland, Protected Structure, associated buildings and attendant grounds.



To enhance community and recreational uses including support for the development of a children’s play area within the village. To support the development of interconnected amenity walkways within and adjoining the village to facilitate an appreciation of the built and natural heritage within the village for residents and visitors.


To investigate the feasibility of the development of a linear walkway and amenity are along the banks of the River Nanny in Kentstown to increase the accessibility and amenity value of the river and its amenity corridor, in conjuction with relevant stakeholders. Urban Design and Public Realm


To seek to provide good public lighting standards on all routes and extension of footpaths and public lighting to the village development boundaries on public roads, as required. KEN OBJ 16 To maintain and enhance the integrity and visual amenity of entrance gateways to the village, the village setting and the views and prospects within the village incorporating branding for the village. KEN OBJ 17 To seek to enhance the existing nodes and spaces within the village, through the provision of additional and improved delineation of pedestrian and parking areas, public lighting and landscaping, to create an identifiable, and high quality finished spaces within the village for residents, and visitors to interact.


To seek to enhance the existing character of the village, through the provision of additional and improved delineation of pedestrian and parking areas, public lighting and landscaping, to create an identifiable, and high quality finished spaces within the village for residents, and visitors to interact. 

  • 1 - The unbuilt extant units have been included in this allocation

Clár ábhair


Submission from Mr. Richard Finegan re: lands at Kentstown [by post 4-3-20]
Submission from Mr. Richard Finegan re: lands at Kentstown [by post 4-3-20]
Submission on behalf of Kieran Argue in respect to lands at Kentstown, Co. Meath
Submission on behalf of Kieran Argue in respect to lands at Kentstown, Co. Meath
Submission to Draft MCDP 2020-2026
Please refer to attached written submission
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