Re. Draft Meath Development Plan 2020-2026
Meath Co. Council...
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Dúnta18 Nol, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Már, 2020, 16:00
Flood Risk Assessment and Management Plan for the Meath CDP 2020-2026
SFRA Report
December 2019
Clár ábhair
Re. Planning permission for construction on land which is on a flood plane or land which has a propensity to flood.
Concerns arising out of failure to correctly identify and address potential flooding issues
Please see attached submission and appendices
Protect the environment, more green space, less noise, less flooding.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write in connection with the proposed development of lands at Race Hill Lane, Ashbourne (See map in attachment)
I wish to object strongly to the size and scale /density of the...