To consolidate and strengthen the commercial and residential village centre of Julianstown, and promote the future development of the village as a compact settlement with a pedestrian friendly environment. Encourage development which will contribute to the character and structure of the village core and to preserve and enhance the quality of the village’s attractive built and natural environment, while catering for the needs of all sections of the local community to ensure that the village develops in a sustainable manner, as an attractive place to live, work, recreate and visit.
1.0 Village Context/Character
Julianstown is located in the east of County Meath approximately 6 km south of Drogheda and 3.2 km from the coast along the R132 (formally N1). The village originally developed at a crossing point on the River Nanny and has since developed in a more dispersed manner. Residential development has taken place in two areas north and south of the original village core. Large volumes of traffic travel through the village as a result of M1 toll avoidance. A bypass for the village is an objective of this Plan. Ballygarth Castle and Demesne is located to the east of the R132 and is identified as an area of high amenity.
The centre of the village is designated as an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) which comprises estate cottages in the village centre. The River Nanny Estuary and Shore is designated as a Special Protection Area (Site Code: 004158).
Julianstown has an active community sector including association and was the National pilot village for the Village Design Statement (VDS) programme in 2009. The Julianstown Village Design Statement was formally launched in October 2010. An Action Plan was agreed as part of the VDS and the Plan stipulates the prioritisation of projects, based on the beneficial impact they are likely to have on the village.
Position in Settlement Hierarchy |
Village |
2016 Population |
681 |
2011 Population |
616 |
Percentage Change 2011-2016 |
10.50% |
Housing stock 2016 |
234 |
Number of units completed 2016-2019 |
0 |
Committed units not yet built |
21 |
Core Strategy Household Allocation |
30 units |
Population Projection 2026 |
756 |
Education Facilities |
Whitecross Primary School |
Community Facilities |
6 |
Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) |
Julianstown Architectural Conservation Area |
Protected Structures |
17 |
Zone of Archaeological Potential |
There are a number of National Monument Services Zones of Archaeological Notification within the settlement area. |
Natura 2000 Sites |
Yes, the River Nanny Estuary and Shore SPA is located at the eastern settlement boundary. |
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment |
Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure. A site specific FRA will be required for any redevelopment of the Old Mill Hotel site (B1 zoning). |
Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity |
East Meath Water Supply Scheme - limited capacity. |
2.0 Vision
To consolidate and strengthen the village, through the provision of a well defined village centre area, and to support a range of land-uses to support the residential population. Also, to enhance the quality of the Village’s built and natural environment while catering for the needs of the local community and to ensure that the village develops in a sustainable manner, as an attractive village in which to live, work, recreate and visit.
3.0 Opportunities
- Julianstown is located in an attractive setting. An excellent opportunity exists to enhance the pedestrian environment and consolidate a vibrant village centre.
- Redevelopment of vacant sites in the village centre would improve the appearance of the village, would add vitality and vibrancy to the heart of the village and consolidate the village centre.
- The provision of enhanced landscaping in the vicinity of the school and the Lime Kiln Gastropub presents an opportunity to complement other measures proposed.
- The large area of land to the east is associated with Ballygarth House and Demense and is zoned for high amenity use, however it is not currently accessible to the public.
- The main access road through the village is characterised by a large volume of traffic, much of which includes HGVs. Traffic calming measures, public lighting and continuous footpaths could make a significant contribution to improving the pedestrian environment.
- Village branding/presentation along the main village spine and at village entry points would add to the sense of place, create a village feel and unique identity.
4.0 Land Use Strategy
The principal land uses in Julianstown comprise of residential development served by a limited range of local and community facilities. Residential development has largely taken the form of low density residential estates, with houses being set in single plots with front and back gardens. This has caused the village to sprawl outwards from its core.
New residential development has not been accompanied by the provision of the necessary employment, retail and community facilities required to serve a growing community. Lands have been identified within the core of the village for B1 “Village Centre” land use zoning objective and will seek to address the lack of service and employment provision within the village.
The land use strategy for Julianstown aims to maintain and appropriately add to a built environment that is both attractive and distinctive to create a unique sense of place for those who live and visit the village. This will be achieved through the sensitive treatment of infill development and the conservation of important or key buildings particularly within the Architectural Conservation Area in the village core. The provision of a compact and vibrant village centre is essential if Julianstown is to cater for its current and future population needs in a sustainable manner.
4.1 Settlement and Housing
There is an extant planning permission for 21 no. units on the site to the east of the village centre. There is infill and redevelopment opportunities on sites such as the Old Mill Hotel where mixed use development inclusive of a residential component is encouraged however, site specific Flood Risk Assessment will be required for any redevelopment of the Old Mill Hotel site.
4.2 Economy and Employment (including retail)
Julianstown is identified as a Level 5 retail centre in the County Retail Hierarchy. Having regard to the level of existing residential development in Julianstown, it is apparent that there is a lack of commercial and retail uses within the village to cater for the current and future population of the area. Commercial facilities in the village are limited to the existing gastropub, the Lime Kiln. The village is served by convenience stores located on the R132 included as part of petrol filling stations.
It is considered that there are adequate lands identified for B1 “Village Centre” land use zoning objective, within and adjacent to the core of the village to cater for the existing and future needs of the community. The development of these key sites is also essential for the improvement of the visual amenity of the village core.
4.3 Water Services Infrastructure
Julianstown is served by the East Meath Water Supply Scheme. The village is on the periphery of this scheme and hence due to network constraints spare capacity is limited.
Wastewater: Julianstown is served by the East Meath Coastal Sewerage Scheme which pumps wastewater to Drogheda Treatment Plant. There is adequate spare capacity to facilitate the development and growth provided for in this County Development Plan.
4.4 Movement
Julianstown is situated at the cross roads of the R150 and the R132 (former N1 until the M1 Motorway opened in 2003) which are heavily trafficked commuter routes. The M1 Motorway is accessed via Junction 7 to the south of Julianstown. Traffic volume and speed is a continuing issue within Julianstown given its strategic positioning in the County in particular the quantity of HGVs travelling through the village . A bypass of the village of Julianstown is an objective of this plan together with traffic calming and other pedestrian safety measures in the village.
Julianstown is currently served by the 101 bus service by Bus Éireann. This service operates from Talbot Street in Dublin city centre to the Bus Station Drogheda, via Swords and Balbriggan. The 100 and 100X service which include access to Dublin Airport from Drogheda also serve Julianstown. A Mathew’s Coach, the 910, also services the area.
4.5 Cultural and Natural Heritage
Julianstown nestles in the valley of the River Nanny as the watercourse makes its way to the Irish Sea at Laytown. Much of the village’s character stems from this pronounced topography, with nearby fields and the river floodplain clearly visible as the main road dips either side to meet the bridge. The character of the village is therefore intrinsically linked to its landscape setting, sense of place and cultural heritage.
Julianstown Community Biodiversity Action Plan 2016-2020 highlights the ecological value of the area and the high local biodiversity. This Plan seeks to ensure that a green edge is established surrounding the built up area of Julianstown and that the visual impact of new development is ameliorated by landscaping proposals to repair and enhance the landscape structure of the village. These proposals shall include objectives for existing and new boundary treatments.
Julianstown contains several mature and attractive trees which define the landscape setting of the village and in particular the river flood plain. These trees are to be protected within the land use zoning objectives map of this Plan.
4.6 Green Infrastructure
There are no Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) within the village. The River Nanny Special Protection Area (Site Code: 004158) commences at Laytown coast and continues into the wetlands area of the floodplain to the eastern periphery of the village development boundary. The floodplain of this river is also a proposed Natural Heritage Area which is reflected in the zoning objective for the area. Its vegetated river banks are home to many species of bird, such as Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail.
4.7 Social Infrastructure
Current community facilities in Julianstown include the Churches, Whitecross National School, community centre, Julianstown Golf / Pitch & Putt facility community garden, childcare facility.
The two churches in Julianstown are both called St. Mary’s, with St. Mary’s R.C church situated south east of the village and St. Mary’s Church of Ireland and associated parish rooms situated on the R150- Laytown Road.
4.8 Urban Design and Public Realm
The historic core of Julianstown has a local character and distinctiveness worthy of preservation and enhancement. The redevelopment of the Old Mill Hotel site at the junction with the Duleek and Drogheda Road has the potential to make a significant contribution to the visual amenity and vitality of the village core. A substantial amount of the village centre is located within an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA,) and this recognises the special significance of the built heritage which characterises Julianstown. Care must be taken with regard to any future proposals in this area.
5.0 Village Development Policies and Objectives
The Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan.
It is the policy of the Council:
It is an objective of the Council:
Settlement and Housing
To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Julianstown as set out in Table 2.11
To support and encourage residential development on under-utilised land and /or vacant lands including ‘infill’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, subject to a high standard of design and layout being achieved.
To encourage the redevelopment of vacant, underused lands including the Old Mill site for mixed use development including residential development subject to site specific Flood Risk Assessment
Economy and Employment
To encourage the development of an Integrated Tourism/Leisure development at Ballygarth Castle in the context of conservation and protection of the special character and setting of Ballygarth Castle, associated buildings and attendant ground. Any redevelopment shall include the provision of public access to the lands in the form of amenity walkways etc linking to the village.
Cultural and Natural Heritage
To preserve all views, trees, woodlands and hedgerows identified in this Plan.
To require that all development proposals within or contiguous to the Architectural Conservation Area be sympathetic to the character of the area, that the design is appropriate in terms of height, scale, plot density, layout, materials and finishes and is appropriately sited and designed in accordance with advice given in Julianstown Architectural Conservation Area Character Statement.
To support the community and all key stakeholders in the implementation of the Julianstown Community Biodiversity Plan 2016-2022 or any revisions thereof.
Green Infrastructure
To facilitate the provision of a riverside walk from the village centre to the grounds of Ballygarth Castle, and a footpath to the community centre, in conjunction with all relevant stakeholders and subject to all relevant environmental assessments.
To seek to introduce traffic management and traffic calming through Julianstown in order to provide an enhanced and safer environment for the village.
To provide/upgrade pedestrian crossing facilities such as a raised junction treatment at key locations.
To improve linkages along the R150 between Julianstown and Laytown including the improvement of cyclist and pedestrian connectivity and facilities between both centres.
To examine the feasibility and progress the design and delivery of a preferred option for the Julianstown Bypass in conjunction with relevant stakeholders.
To liaise with and support Irish Water to endeavour to provide adequate water services to meet the development needs of the Village within the Plan period.
To manage flood risk and development in line with the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. (see Volume 5 Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment).
Urban Design & Public Realm
To introduce village branding/presentation at the village entry points and along the main street in the form of high quality signage, public art and village type lighting standards which would create a strong sense of identity for Julianstown and will also connect all parts of the village.
To seek to provide landscape screening at the south and north gateways and around the carpark adjacent to the Limekiln pub.
To seek to provide upgrade footpaths within the development boundary.
To work in partnership with local community and all relevant stakeholders to implement the Julianstown Village Design Statement.
To protect and enhance the distinctive character of Julianstowns buildings, structures and landscape.
To ensure that all new development respects the scale, form and character of the village.
- 1 - The unbuilt extant units have been included in this allocation