
Dúnta18 Nol, 2019, 12:00 - 6 Már, 2020, 16:00

1.0 Village Context/Character

Rathmolyon is located in the south of the County approximately 8km south of Trim.  The village developed at the junction of the R156 Dunboyne to Mullingar regional road and the R159 Trim to Enfield regional road.  The village has a distinct rural and verdant character and is characterised by several notable traditional buildings.

The village has grown outward from the central crossroads and includes the Church View estate on the R159, and the Cherry Valley estate along the R156.  There is significant undeveloped and under-utilised land between these developments and the traditional village core.

Position in Settlement Hierarchy


2016 Population


2011 Population


Percentage Change 2011-2016


Housing stock 2016


Number of units completed 2016-2019


Committed units not yet built


Core Strategy Household Allocation

90 units  

Population Projection 2026


Education Facilities         

St. Michael’s Primary School (outside settlement boundary)

Community Facilities

Church; GAA grounds; and Childcare Facility

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)


Protected Structures


Zone of Archaeological Potential

There is a National Monument Service Zone of Archaeological Notification located in the central area of the settlement.

Natura 2000 Sites

The nearest Natura 2000 site is the River Boyne & River Blackwater SAC which is located approximately 2.5km to the west.        

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Manage flood risk and development in line with approved policies and objectives as set out in Vol. 1 Chapter 6: Infrastructure.      

Water Services Infrastructure/Capacity

Rathmolyon is supplied with water from Trim Water Supply Scheme – Capacity is limited.

Rathmolyon Waste Water Treatment Plant - Capacity Available.

2.0 Vision

The vision for the development of the Rathmolyon over the lifetime of the s Development Plan is to consolidate and strengthen the defined and attractive Village Centre, recognising the importance of conserving and enhancing the quality of the Village’s built and natural environment, while catering for the needs of the community.  A central tenet of this Plan will be the creation of a positive relationship with the rural hinterland.

3.0 Opportunities

Rathmolyon experienced notable population growth between the years 2011-2016.  The village has an attractive main street and public realm improvement works could significantly enhance the village environment further. There are several infill and village centre sites which are have the potential to cater for the future development needs of Rathmolyon.

4.0 Land Use Strategy

The land use strategy aims to consolidate the compact nature of the village and direct future development to land in and adjacent to the village core.   Incremental/natural growth of the village will be facilitated over the period of this Plan. 

4.1 Settlement and Housing

Rathmolyon has experienced significant population growth between 1996 – 2016 (almost doubling of population) and Village infrastructure/services have not necessarily kept pace with this development.  Modest residential growth is to be facilitated over the Plan period to allow the village grow in a sustainable manner.There is a residential development containing 21 no. units currently under construction to the west of the cross roads in the village centre.   Having regard to the household allocation in the Core Strategy (118 residential units) there is adequate land zoned for residential use to cater for the future housing needs of the village over the period of this Development Plan.

4.2 Economy and Employment

The village provides for a small range of services commensurate with its level 4 position in the County retail hierarchy.  These include a crèche and playschool, a post office, two pubs, a small convenience shop and a hair salon.  Rathmolyon would benefit from having a greater range and variety of such facilities. There are adequate lands designated in the centre of the village for B1 ‘Village Centre Use’ to cater for additional retail/commercial uses over the lifetime of the Development Plan if required. 

4.3 Infrastructure

Rathmolyon is currently served by the Trim Water Treatment Plant and the Rathmolyon Waste Water Treatment Plant.  There is currently capacity available in terms of water services.

4.4 Movement

The main pattern of development in the village is an east-west linear form and movement is concentrated along this axis.  Road crossing facilities and/or public realm improvements would likely encourage more walking/cycling within the village.  Better definition of the road carriageway through the village would help rebalance the needs of private vehicles and those of the pedestrian/cyclist.

Rathmolyon is within easy reach of Trim and Summerhill in particular.  The village needs to maintain good public transport links to these surrounding urban areas in order to attract future population and potential business opportunities. Bus Éireann provides a commuter link from Rathmolyon to Dublin via Summerhill and Maynooth as well as a daily service from to/Dublin via Dunboyne and to/from Mullingar.

4.5 Cultural and Natural Heritage

There are several buildings designated as protected structures within the village and these contribute significantly to a sense of place.  These include Saint Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, Rathmolyon Villa, Harnan’s Pub, Rathmolyon House, and Saint Michael and All Angels Church.

The village does not contain any Natura 2000 sites however there are a number of streams which flow near the village which are tributaries of the River Boyne  and River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation (Site Code: 002299) and the River Boyne and River Blackwater Special Protection Area (Site Code: 004232) which is approximately 3km to the north west. 

Whilst there are several open space areas within housing developments, Rathmolyon does have any structural/landscaped open space within the Village boundary.  Nonetheless, the village has a verdant character and this is largely derived from the manner in which the surrounding rural/agricultural environment permeates into the village.  It is important that any development proposals respect views and glimpses to the surrounding countryside and incorporate a high degree of native landscaping.

4.7 Social Infrastructure

The social infrastructure in Rathmolyon comprises the GAA grounds, St. Michael’s RC church, St. Michael’s and All Angels Church of Ireland and a crèche/playschool.  It would be beneficial to improve the social infrastructure of the village, including the provision of a purposeful open space area in tandem with improving cycling/walking connections.  This Framework Plan ensures that there are sufficient, appropriately located lands available for social/community use to accommodate both existing and future populations during the lifetime of the Development Plan. 

4.8 Urban Design and Public Realm

Rathmolyon includes some impressive buildings including a number of Protected Structures. However, the main approaches to the village, whilst pleasant, are somewhat lacking in urban design qualities (e.g. legible entrance/exit, traffic calming features).  The village core itself has intrinsic urban qualities with potential to be capitalised upon to create a unique village setting.  An opportunity site to the south west of the village crossroads offer significant potential to enhance the village core and reinforce a sense of place.  It would be desirable to see the public realm and streetscape improved to enhance the overall village character. 

5.0 Town/Village Development Policies and Objectives

The Policies and Objectives set out below are in addition to those included in the Written Statement in Volume One of the County Development Plan. To avoid repetition Policies and Objectives have only been restated where they have particular relevance to the settlement. These Policies and Objectives should therefore be read in conjunction with the Policies and Objectives and Development Standards in Volume One of the County Development Plan.


It is the policy of the Council:

Settlement and Housing


To promote the future development of Rathmolyon as a compact settlement centre with a pedestrian friendly environment, a variety of land uses and amenities while protecting the built and natural heritage and catering for the needs of all sections of the local community to ensure that the village develops in a sustainable manner and as an attractive place to live, work, recreate and visit.


It is an objective of the Council:

Settlement and Housing


To secure the implementation of the Core Strategy of the County Development Plan, in so far as is practicable, by ensuring the household allocation for Rathmolyon as set out in Table 2.11 of the Core Strategy is not exceeded.


To support and encourage residential development on under-utilised land and/or vacant lands including ‘infill’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, subject to a high standard of design and layout being achieved.

Economy and Employment


To consolidate the central area of the Rathmolyon village for commercial uses.


To promote a high quality mixed residential / commercial use development providing for continuation of the established building line on the main street and an extension of the footpath to the west side of the Enfield road.



To liaise with and support Irish Water to endeavour to provide adequate water services to meet the development needs of the village within the Plan period.



To seek to install a pedestrian crossing within the village centre area.


To facilitate the provision of a pedestrian crossing near the Cherryvalley Estate. 

Cultural and Natural Heritage


To promote the conservation or reuse of stone walling within the development boundary


To promote the preservation of individual trees or groups of trees as identified on the land use zoning map and to manage these trees in line with arboricultural best practice.



To facilitate the provision of a playground within the village.


To protect existing community facilities/infrastructure, where appropriate, and support their further development and expansion if required.


To support the provision of a range of social infrastructure facilities to meet the needs of Rathmolyon in co-operation with other statutory, voluntary, and community groups.

Urban Design and Public Realm


To require all new development proposals to consider and reflect the physical, social and environmental context of the village.


To enhance and improve the aesthetics of the village crossroads.


To facilitate enhanced definition and enclosure along the approach roads to the village, particularly on approach from the west in the vicinity of the church car-park.


To seek to facilitate public realm improvement works focusing on traffic-calming to achieve better balance between the needs of the pedestrian / cyclist / public transport and those of the private car.  Measures may include enhanced legibility, connectivity, enclosure and better defined entrances/exits.


To protect the established building line within the village, particularly along the Main Street.


To preserve the character of the village and its setting by requiring that the height, scale, and design of any proposed development within the village and in the surrounding area should complement the character of the village and not diminish its distinctiveness of place

  • 1 - The unbuilt extant units have been included in this allocation

Clár ábhair


Rathmolyon Draft Meath Development Plan Submission
Rathmolyon Draft Meath Development Plan Submission - Land Zoning Objectives Map
Re-Zoning of Rural Area(RA) adjacent to existing Cherryvalley Estate to New Residential(A2)
RATH OBJ 2 To support and encourage residential development on under-utilised land and/or vacant lands including ‘infill’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, subject to a high standard of design and layout...